Advice for new PROJECTS & SUPPORTER site


    My name is Shed. Thanks for reading this post.

    I’d like to create a site called CompleterFinisher that allows anyone to describe a project they want to finish, and then other people can become supporters of that project, follow its progress and offer supportive messages and help (not money necessarily).


    1) What WP theme should I install?

    2) What plugins should I install to help me achieve these goals:

    a) User registration

    b) User can post a new project (POSTER) with description and images or support a project (SUPPORTER)

    c) All projects should show on the front page with title and thumbnail, newest first

    d) If a SUPPORTER chooses to support a project, they can then view and access that in their account

    e) Supporters can post comments and images under the POSTER’s project – and POSTER can reply to these.

    c) SUPPORTER receives email every time POSTER updates a project they are following – and a notification on their account

    3) Anything else you think might make this site useful and exciting?

    4) Let me know if you’d like to work on this with me.

    Thanks so much in advance. Shed

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Shed,

    to achieve what you describe, you would want to create a membership site, that can be achieved with plugins. You would need plan Business though:

    As for plugin and themes recommendation, you would probably want to ask on the WordPress community forums here:

    These forums are for free users who can not install plugins on their sites so you wouldn’t get many answers here, I’m afraid.

  • Thanks so much Fresa! Keep safe and well, Shed

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