
  • Hi there, I’m fairly new to WordPress and was just wondering if it was possible to add Adsense to my blog? (Can you tell I’m a newbie? lol)
    Thanks in advance…

  • thistimethisspace · Member · blogs are non-commercial blogs
    If you want a monetized blog and don’t qualify for a VIP blog then you are in the wrong place. You can get a web host and go to and get a free blog template there that you can advertise on.

  • No we can’t due to the javascript which is a security issue. Many topics on thishave been talked about before:

    And you can start off by reading the FAQ at the top threadin the forum:

    But I believe we can have one text link to any affiliate on our sidebar.

  • But I believe we can have one text link to any affiliate on our sidebar.

    Nope, no affliate links. The policy got clarified.

    The original poster may want to read the stickies at the head of the forums. That’s why they’re there. :)

    edit: never mind. Moot. Spammer. Reported.

  • When and where did the policy get clarified? If a policy is clarified in the forest and nobody reads the post…

  • thistimethisspace · Member ·

    I noticed the wording has been clarified

    Adsense and other Ads

    Adsense, Yahoo, Chitika and other ads are not permitted to be added by users. Adverts that may be inserted when using an external blogging program will be blocked.

    Sponsored / paid posts including PayPerPost and ReviewMe are not permitted.

    Sponsored / paid links are not permitted.

    Text ads are not permitted.

    A discreet link to your business in the sidebar or an About page is permitted.

    One discreet link to Amazon per blog is okay, but if the primary purpose of the blog is to drive traffic to affiliate programs that’s not allowed. If you’re not sure, contact support.

    Clicktrackers and any promotion of the “I made a million on the internet and so can you” type of advertising are expressly forbidden.

    We have a very low tolerance for blogs created purely for search engine optimization or commercial purposes, machine-generated blogs, and will continue to nuke them, so if that’s what you’re interested in is not for you.

    You may see some advertising on the domain.
    1. VIP blogs are able to run ads
    2. We also run some ads sometimes and the reasons for that are explained here

  • So ONLY Amazon and self-owned businesses are okay? Not Abebooks or Powell’s?

    Also, even if we’ve read the FAQ we have to keep re-reading the damn thing because it morphs? Or subscribe to the FAQ RSS feed or something? I for one can’t be bothered.

  • thistimethisspace · Member ·

    Sorry … but I don’t know what Abebooks or Powell’s is?
    Why do you bring them up? Do you think they should be included?

  • I’m shocked! Abebooks is the largest secondhand book dealer in the world, and its HQ is in Victoria. Anything you can find at Amazon you can find there, cheaper. And Powell’s is the largest bookstore in the world; it’s in Portland. If you ever take a drive down the coast, set aside a whole day for Powell’s.

    I just question the choice of only ONE retailer. It seems extraordinarily small-minded; if is getting some cash from Amazon for the privilege, then it makes sense. Otherwise, no.

  • thistimethisspace · Member ·

    Thanks for the info about the bookstores. Do they have blogger affiliate plans?

  • Abebooks has a blogger affiliate program, and Powell’s almost certainly does. My question is, why restrict it to only Amazon? Is there a deal in place or something? I, as an author, am not thrilled with them as a company, to say the least.

  • thistimethisspace · Member ·

    Hmmmm … maybe you should bring this anomaly to staff attention.

  • WordPress are kinda backward on what income generation they allow, thats one of the reasons I’m leaving. You don’t have to work with some unweildy dashboard or pay for hosting / CSS to be able to make some money from your blog and fit inside some tight definition of what’s allowed. My new blog allows all of that for free, and gives me much more control than I get here over the look.

    Powells huh? Thats a new one on me. Maybe a US brand that non-US people have never come across. I think the reason most think of only Amazon is the assumption of quality. People know who Amazon are, they are known to be reputable, they are known to have dealings around the world ( etc).

  • Dirk, doesn’t allow income generation from blogs: it’s in the Terms of Service when you sign up, so it’s not like they sprung it on you.

    Non-US people must have come across Powell’s, since I’m non-US.

  • Also wordpress offers an alternative and it’s posted in the “please read me first” sticky at the head of the forum.

    Advertising is allowed on blogs.

    The only requirement for the blogger is to be possessed of the ability to self-host or to be able to hire a webhost.

  • Sometimes I wish they wouldn’t have launched this service as and did it under another name! is hosting on WordPress MU (multi-user) and WordPress is the software that you can download and put on your own host. So in essense, is just a hosting solution. I can see how so many people get confused! ! !


  • I never said they did spring it on me, I’m just explaining that they have rather strict rules on what they allow here. It’s one of many free hosting blogs, it’s not the only one. Every one have their pro’s and con’s……a free blog does not mean a choice between income generation and a decent look. You often have to make a choice of what’s important. Here you are limited to the theme choices unless you buy CSS editing rights, and to the income generation unless you buy a privileged account…..these cost money for the same rights others offer free.

    Here it’s the worst of both worlds compared to alternatives. Of course there is an alternative with…..I didn’t know they did free hosting, or do we not count the cost of hosting as a cost?

  • We aren’t counting hosting as the cost of the software: the software, which you get from, is free. Hosting prices vary.

    What I’m saying, Dirk, is that you accepted the no-ads thing while at WordPress, so it makes sense if you want ads to go off WordPress. You know very well by now that posting in the forums to complain about this policy isn’t going to change anything, and it wastes everyone’s time.

  • Given that ad’s on websites are pretty normal, and that so many people have to ask here how to do it, and are told they can’t… it not a safe bet that it’s not that clear in the first place that are an exception to what most allow?

    If I see adverts on most websites, free and paid. I assume wordpress are the same. I don’t seek to change anything here, I’ve learned that it’s like talking to brick walls. I’m merely pointing out that there are other free hosts which apply the rules most net users assume are in place.

  • Do you assume most people don’t already know that, Dirk?

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