
  • I want to use for my blog, I heard that I will have Ads on my blog on a certain point of time, When will you add Ads on my website?

    And Is there is a way to add my Ads that I get paid for, for free? -Like AdSense

    Note that I will buy a new .com domain for the blog soon.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • There is only one advertising program called WordAds at and it’s for blogs on their own domains. You apply to WordAds by asking for an invitation and wait a long time for a response. WordAds Staff check out your blog and if and only if it qualifies and there is an advertiser that wishes to have their ads placed on your blog they contact you and implement ads on your blog.

    Note that your blog has to qualify in terms of traffic flow and attractiveness to advertisers. There is no guarantee that if you purchase a domain the blog will be accepted into the WordAds program.

    In order to map to a domain one must have an underlying subdomain blog to map from and the domain name you desire must be available for purchase.

    After you have registered a blog you log in as Admin under the exact same username account that registered the blog and purchase a domain name by purchasing an annually renewable domain mapping upgrade for the blog from the blog’s dashboard at > Store > My Upgrades.

    See here if you do not own a domain

    See here for mapping an existing domain that you already own

    See here for mapping a sub-domain (for a domain with an existing website) to your blog

    Dashboard > Store > My Upgrades is where you do the primary blog set up knowing it can take between 24 – 72 hours for domain name propagation to take place throughout the internet. You can view the DNS changes here > What’s important during that stage is to be patient.

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