admin bar suddenly reduced, most tabs gone

  • I’m sure it’s some stupid thing I did, and I ought to be able to figure out how to undo it, but so far I can’t.
    Suddenly my admin bar, or wordpress toolbar, only has a few tabs on it. I can’t remember the names of the ones that are missing–one had the drop-down that led to Support, without which I was reduced to googling just now…One had the dropdown that included dashboard, new post, stats, manage comments etc. Currently I see only 2 tabs, one with my name and gravitar, one a wordpress logo. When I was on my homepage in my blog there was also that new tab for stats. Most everything else is gone!
    Thanks in advance for any clues, and sorry for inflicting my idiocy on the forum…

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Along this same topic, if someone can figure out how you search other wordpress blogs for key words now, i’d be appreciative. Because the “shiny new simplified admin bar” doesn’t help me- and that’s a big part of how I get info for my blog…

  • To the right of your name and gravatar on the right end of the admin bar is, or possibly is, or should be a magnifying glass when you are view a blog. Click that and a search field will, or should appear.

  • Well, at least I now see how to get to my dashboard and to support! I guess I’ll get used to it. More than any specific complaints about where to find specific tabs and dropdowns, is that I think it makes things a lot more difficult to navigate if the admin bar is different depending on where/ what page I’m on.

    My learning curve will be a lot slower this way! I would really prefer one consistent display of tabs/options in that bar (even if they are hidden and hard to find in order to look “sleeker”), rather than a different set depending on what page/ post I’m on.

    Just a side question–who are we trying to look sleeker for? I mean, presumably it’s only people who already blog on WordPress who see the admin bar, right? Has anyone ever left WordPress or complained because that bar didn’t look sleek enough?

  • I have 17 WordPress Blogs and I can’t find any of them. Before, I used t o hover over the ‘Me’ on the left hand side then scroll down to Global Dashboard which brought up another menu, again on the left hand side.

    From this menu I could see a list of my blogs and look at my site stats, now I can’t find any of this.

    I don’t even have the new admin bar.

    When I hove over the avatar on the right I see 5 items; Edit My Profile, Track My Comments, Register a Blog, Help and Sign Out.

    Please help, where are my blogs??????

  • @ingridcc The only parts of the admin bar that change are the parts that you don’t have access to on a particular blog. The My Account menu on the right side is always the same.

  • @jab6762, you don’t have any blogs with this account. Do you have another username you use?

  • Hi there

    THis is my only user name.

    My blogs ar not blogs, just WordPress blogs with my own domain names.

    Up until yesterday I could see them all there. I could go in to view the site stats all in one place rather than having to login to each site separately.

    I hovered over the ‘Me’ in the left hand corner and went down to Global Dashboard then site stats. This brought up the first site with a drop down menu for the other sites.

    I could also click my blogs, again on the left hand side, and it brought up the entire list of blogs. I could then click any one of them and it would take me directly to the blog dashboard.

    All this has now disappeared.

    Where have they gone? and I hope you can help!


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