Admin Bar notifications panel blocking front-end on a tablet

  • One of my users is trying to access my site on a tablet. The Notification Panel from the Admin Bar keeps loading and covers half of the page on her screen. When tapping on the Notifications button in the upper right hand corner it does not go away. How can I help her with this?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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  • @smkeeton832:

    Can you let us know what tablet and OS version number your user is using? We’ll be happy to investigate. :)

  • I will get that to you just as soon as I can.
    Thank you so much.

  • The tablet is a Coby Kyros
    OS android 4.0.3; kernel 3.0.8

  • @smkeeton832:

    Unfortunately we’re going to have trouble testing with that particular tablet, as it’s fairly uncommon.

    Can you ask them to try using a different browser, like Chrome or Opera? It may be a browser-specific issue.

  • I did download Dolphin on the tablet and try it with that and found the same issue. I will have her see if Opera is available to her. I do recall that Chrome was not available.
    Thank you.

  • @chrisrudzki:

    I was just able to try Opera on her tablet. This time the profile panel was open and covering the whole page. That was the last browser that was available to her.

    I added the sidebar widgets to the footer and she can somewhat navigate the site around the navigation panel on her original browser.

    Unfortunately, I may have to look into another host for this site.

  • Unfortunately I can’t reproduce this, as we don’t have access to that model of tablet. I wish I could help further in that regard.

    However, I would recommend that you try using the WordPress for Android app:

    That should bypass this particular issue. (Also, if they log out in the browser, they can see how the site would look to those who aren’t affected by this issue, which should be the vast majority of folks.)

  • The site is private and changing that is not an option.

    Testing this on more than one tablet using the same account, I seem to find this happening on tablets with older versions of android.

    Thank you for letting me know about the android app.

    Have a great day.

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