Adding to footer text

  • Hello, I’m using a modified version of Mistylook (e.g., and would like to know how to add “modified by (me)” on the same line in the footer following “Theme: Mistylook by Sadish” since it isn’t exactly his/her design.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I also have been searching for information on this… I am using the Blix theme currently ( and have been unsuccessful at figuring out how to add text to the footer. Any info would help!

  • Hi orino:

    Couple of suggestions:

    1. As you’ve already discovered, :after and :before are possible solutions for adding text from CSS. However, they are not supported in IE.

    2. Another possibility is to select div#footer, apply size properties to the div, and add a background image containing your message. Also apply properties to the existing text to shrink or color it so it’s not visible if you want to get rid of it.

    3. You can use a Text Widget along with CSS to add text or image and maybe position it at the bottom, possibly in conjunction with CSSing the existing div#footer invisible.

  • Im using IE and can still see where the footer text was edited here (, but the :before and :after do not work for my blog at all (using blix at Am I missing something?

  • I don’t understand what you mean by “can still see where the footer text was edited”, nor why you are referring to two different sites, and on superkantastic I couldn’t find where you were using :before and :after.

    Regardless, IE doesn’t support :before and :after, so far as I know.

  • I’m sorry, I will try to clarify what I am trying to say…

    this site ( is powered by wordpress, uses the blix theme and has edited footer text viewable in IE.

    my site ( uses the blix theme and no matter what I try, cannot edit the footer text.

    I’m not using the :before or :after currently, because I tried and it did not work.

    The ( must be using something else to edit the footer text – I am trying to figure out what they used so I can use it too.

  • Ah, OK. The difference is that superkantastic is using the pre-configured service where you can only customize the CSS, whereas is using the wordpress software hosted on their own server (or service provider), and thus they have access to the php code and can customize it however they like.

  • well, hot dog.

    Thanks so much for your help gwideman! I really appreciate it!

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