Adding subcategories and products to categories on main page of website

  • I need to know how to add subcategories with products under the different categories on our main webpage. I created a new category ‘Clothing’ and want to add sub categories such as sleepwear and bras but can’t figure out to do this. **I know how to add tags and select categories for products on the individual product pages. Please help!!!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    How to create sub-categories is described in the Categories support page. A sub-category may be added to a menu in the same way that a category is added.

    See the Add menu items section of the Custom Menus support page regarding adding menu items, and Organize your menu and add sub-menus / drop-down menus section regarding arranging them in sub-menus or drop-down menus under a top-level item.

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