Adding static Homepage issue

  • I am attempting to shift from a homepage that lists recent posts to a static homepage. I’ve created two new pages, one for my blog posts and one to serve as the new static page. The New static page looks perfect when it is not set as the new homepage;

    As soo as I set it as the new static homepage, it ends up looking like this;

    I am entirely unclear as to what I am doing wrong. Any guidance would be appreciated.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    Could you share a link to the page that you’d like to set as the homepage? Also, would it be okay if we set that page as the homepage of your site to test and troubleshoot the issue?


  • Hello,

    Here’s the link to the page I would like to set as a static homepage;

    I am okay with you would like to attempt to set it as the homepage in order to better investigate things. I very much appreciate your help!

    Peace and God Bless,

  • Hey @emmaussupport! Pique is a pretty unique theme; it’s specifically designed to feature a “panel page” for the front page. It was made when long “single page sites” were popular, and WordPress didn’t have a great built-in way to handle that like it does now.

    So that central feature overrides any individual page style, and because it’s an older theme without Site Editor features, there’s no way to get past that without switching themes.

    Would you be open to switching to a new theme? If so, let us know what you want to keep about Pique, and we may be able to make a recommendations.

    Or, would you like to lean into it and utilize Pique’s front page style? It won’t give you the same look at all, but if you like how the demo looks, you can find how to re-create that here.

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