Adding/replacing images leading to error

  • Hi there,

    Every time I try to replace an image (or add a new image) on posts and pages, I get the “This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed” error. This function was working last night, but hasn’t been working since this morning.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Thanks for letting us know about this issue. There is a currently a bug affecting some block previewing.
    As a workaround, could you please try deactivating the AMP plugin, from Plugins > Installed Plugins.
    If you’re still having previewing issues after deactivating AMP, please go ahead and also deactivate the Gutenberg plugin from the spot.
    Let me know if this resolves the issue.
    You can leave AMP off indefinitely as it’s not needed. 
    As for the Gutenberg plugin, if you needed to deactivate that one to resolve the preview issue, I would suggest trying to reactivate it towards the end of this week and see if the bug is fixed yet.

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