Adding Product to woocommerce

  • I am having problems adding products from my csv. I have around 2200 products and when I use the wordpress uploader it won’t add my products. So what I did was added my product without the image on the spreadsheet and that seems to have worked however adding images to the media library was a nightmare but got that done. So Now I need to update the products with the image url on the csv but it is still not working, even when I do 200 at a time it either goes like half ways but then stops. Is there any other way to add products or update them? I will need to be adding 2000 or so new products on a monthly basis and the rate this is going it is going to be a nightmare to do.

  • Hi there,

    This forum provides support for sites. In case you have questions about the WooCommerce plugin, please visit their support forum:

    Alternatively, you can open a support ticket here if you have a premium WooCommerce extension:

    Hope this helps! :)

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