Adding post to Twitter

  • I would like to be able to add posts to my Twitter feed to boost traffic to my blog. I want to put some of my past blog posts on Twitter not just new posts, including pics if possible together with some text

    Can you please explain how to do this if it is possible?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi peterwebscott,

    The feature that connects to your site and posts to Twitter for you will just Tweet new posts that you publish. If you want to send older posts as Tweets, you can just log into your Twitter and link to a post in a Tweet!

  • Hi peterwebscott,

    I was a little incorrect before, you can still set up Publicize on your account, and then you can share older posts with a customized message on Twitter.

    You can find instructions to set up Publicize and to Share your content again here:

  • Hi newarkbee,

    Thanks for your help.I can’t understand how to use a post-specific picture with the Twitter upload. It just seems to use my avatar. Is there any way to change that.

    Also it doesn’t seem that you can apply the Publicise action to previous posts, unless I can’t see the right button. Text seems to indicate this functionality is only in paid for versions whereas I have the vanilla free version of WordPress.

  • Hi peterwebscott,

    The Publicize for previous posts is for paid plans only. Publicize will let you customize the text but not the picture for the Tweet.

    If you want to change the image for your Tweets, your best bet is to go straight to Twitter and to post your links, then add the image to the Tweet itself.

  • peterwebscott,

    If you set a Featured Image for your post, Twitter should use that one when you share through Publicize or otherwise.

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