Adding Post Date / Time

  • My appologies if I am missing the obvious here, but I just got started with WP and still don’t know my way around.

    I have selected “Andreas04 1.0” as my perfered templet but notice that the poisting date is not shown for any of my posts. Is this something I can correct or must I manually insert date/time in each post or post title?

  • Please don’t bump anything less than 24 hours. Most of the people here are volenteers and bloggers like yourself who offer our assistance for free. It’s considered rather rude.

    If you view your blog, you’ll notice that the date is present within your posts. They are to the lower left within the gray box.

    Hope this helps,

  • Sorry to disagree Mike, but I can’t see it either.

    Unfortunately to change it to show automatically would mean editing the theme, something that us mere bloggers are not able to do. This means that you’ll have to add it manually to every post if you want it there.


  • If the date/time are present at the left of the gray box at the bottom of my post, the font color must be the same color of gray as I sure can’t see them. Take a look:

  • Kim

    I did look. Hence my first post… ;o)

  • Screencapture of blog with dates circled in red. :)

    Aside: Your post labeled “Me with Tarpon” appears to missing the final </a> after the photo as the entire text of the post is now a link.

  • It must be an IE thing then Mike! I will grab a screenshot too :)

  • Using Netscape 7.2 here for your reference.

    Must be an IE bug. See it fine with IE 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp._sp2.

    Wouldn’t be the first time Microsoft dropped the ball. :)

  • Screenshot

    Grabbed with IE 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp2_sp2_rtm.040803-2158.

    Hmm, same version! Can’t check with Firefox/Opera as I’m stuck at work :(

  • Using 050301-1519. They may have changed something. *shrug*

    If you look at the css for that theme, you’ll see this for the display of the date stamp:


    I’m seeing a lot of bugs reported with float though with IE. This one looks interesting. MS might have fixed it by my version. That link makes sense because if you view the blog and do a search for “March”, the browser actually moves around the page so the text is there. It’s just has a height of zero it appears

    Strange actually. Usually UNCC is a couple versions behind on what they install on their PCs here. We’re still using the broken version of Notron’s that even Norton suggested pulling.

    I’ve gone ahead and dropped an email with a link to this thread.

    Even if it’s MS’s issue once again. :)


  • Just for the record, I am also using IE v…050301-1519 and the date is not visible on posts when viewing with IE on either of my 2 computers. However, it does show when using either Opera or Firefox on both machines. Anyway, thanks for the feedback. I will either learn to live with it or switch to one of the other avaliable templets.

  • Personally Kim, if you can I would dump IE altogether and go to Opera or Firefox.

    Then you could spread the love and get your subscribers/readers to do the same. With enough pushing Microshaft will take notice… ;)

  • At least we’re now know we’re not all going nuts. :)

  • I too like Foxfire and especially Opera but don’t use either as my default for 2 main reasons:

    1. My primary computer is a Motion Tablet running XP-Pro (Tablet) and neither Opera nor Foxfire support the TIP (Tablet Input Panel) used for stylus input. This means I have to manually open the larger input panel which is a real bother not to mention it being a screen hog.

    2. Even though I perfer Opera, I recgonize that most casual users will continue to use IE no matter which browser I select and I would like my Blog to display as intented on it.

    As I said in an earlier post, if I get too annoyed with it I will just switch to a different template… :)

  • Kim

    The blog is displaying as intended. As the theme developer intended for Firefox and Opera anyway! ;)

    As to point 2, yes, it’s a shame but M$ still has the monopoly due to IE installing with Windoze and most people just aren’t clued up enough to dump it.

    And as for your tablet, show off!!! :D

  • I got an email back from Andreas. It surprised her as well. :)

  • hehe! Well, if the developer didn’t know then what chance do we have…

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