adding photo to home page

  • Is there an easy way to add my photo in the Home page header next to the title?

  • Not with the Emire theme. Some themes allow for custom header images but Emire does not. Bets bet would be to upload a picture like you would be doing for a post, grab the URL of the image and add it in via a test widget placed within your sidebar.

  • Dr Mike, you do a lot more homework on these issues than I would. Meaning no disrespect to nyoung, I’d make him/her/it hand me the theme on a silver platter. With a Negroni straight up.

  • @nyoung
    Here are the threads containing the names of the themes that allow for custom headers where you could include your photo and contact information. These threads also tell you the headers sizes for each theme.
    I hope this helps you achieve what you want to do.

  • Dr Mike, you do a lot more homework on these issues than I would.

    Actually I just knew that Emire doesn’t allow for custom header images so the sidebar was really the only other option.

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