Adding Menu "Tabs" to Organize Blog by Subject

  • I’m creating a blog where I’ll be writing about various subjects, and I want to organize the subjects into different Menu “Tabs”. So if someone wanted to look at recipes only, they’d click on the Recipes tab, etc, and not have to shuffle through an entire run-on-sentence of a blog. I do not want it to be organized by tags in a side column on the home page, as I don’t like this aesthetic/layout.

    I’ve tried creating new pages for each menu tab I’d like, but that only created blank pages. I’ve created categories with the same titles of menu tabs that I’d like, and “added them to the menu” under Admin—>Appearance. Then I assigned the 3 posts I have so far to the correct categories…and my posts are not being assigned to the correct menu tabs. (I do still have blank pages with menu titles like I want them to be, live on my site).

    For example with my three posts so far, they should be organized as such:
    “I Love It When This Happens” – should be under Treasure Hunt Menu
    “This is Winter” – should be under Home and Garden Menu
    “Creme Brulee – I Think I Just Died and Went to Foodie Heaven” – should be under Recipes

    Here is my blog:

    I’ve read a lot of other posts where users would like to do the same, and it always ends in a complicated custom CSS with matching jargain, that honestly, I cannot follow. Do I need to hire someone to work with WordPress? Upgrade to a site I pay for? I will do the latter if it makes this part easier…

    Thanks so much.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I’m creating a blog where I’ll be writing about various subjects, and I want to organize the subjects into different Menu “Tabs”.

    Use the category option on your posts. Then make a custom menu to link to each category.

    I’ve read a lot of other posts where users would like to do the same, and it always ends in a complicated custom CSS with matching jargain, that honestly, I cannot follow.

    No CSS or upgrade needed. Just put category links into your custom menu:

    “I Love It When This Happens” – should be under Treasure Hunt Menu
    “This is Winter” – should be under Home and Garden Menu
    “Creme Brulee – I Think I Just Died and Went to Foodie Heaven” – should be under Recipes

    custom links and categories:
    Treasure Hunt Menu
    Garden Menu

  • Here is another discussion about making custom menus work with cat tags / links:

  • You can name your menu tabs whatever you like; just link to the categories you want to.

  • @ heatherbristow,

    I’ve tried creating new pages for each menu tab I’d like, but that only created blank pages.

    That’s alright, because when you accumulate pages which fall under that category, you can add an index to them in this parent page.

    “I Love It When This Happens” – should be under Treasure Hunt Menu
    “This is Winter” – should be under Home and Garden Menu
    “Creme Brulee – I Think I Just Died and Went to Foodie Heaven” – should be under Recipes

    In custom menus, such relationships are created by nesting one item under another as described in the Custom Menus support page section “Changing the Order & Creating Sub-Menus.”

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