Adding Columns

  • I’ve been trying to add a 3rd column to my website, i’ve tried with almost every tutorial you can find in this forums, but none of them has worked.

    Maybe it’s because the theme I use, i don’t know.
    I’ve already tried to add a column (left sidebar) on both themes.
    Please don’t tell that it would be easier to just use a 3 column theme.
    I really like the theme i am using right now.
    By the way the theme is: Vistered Little 1
    My website is:

    Please help me with this.

  • Greets:

    You need to be over at the Support forums as these forums are for those blogs hosted here at, not for those who host blogs elsewhere. We also run a different code base than what you do.

    I will make the suggestion though that 1) you include a link to the theme that you are using and 2) you list what specifically you have done to make a third column. I don’t think you will get an answer unless you do so.

    Good luck,

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