Adding audio to the blog

  • hey i think most of you have clicked the audio button/link in the post editor, but audio wasn’t among the formats supported on free blogs!
    well it’s still better that kept the martin laine’s 1 pixel out player/wp audio player even if it doesn’t allow uploading audio files to free version of its services, well you need upgrade i think they call it audio upgrade or space upgrade something like that, to upload audio files to you blog.

    but it’s better because we have access to Martin Laine’s audio player, better because doesn’t allow plugins upload by users.
    thank wordpress and martin laine for it.
    well there is a shortcode for embedding audio into your blog doing it the free way upload your files somewhere on the web, there are many services available on the web that host your files free and many even anonymously.

    so put up your files there and get a link, remember it should be a direct link otherwise things don’t work, most of the links by default provided by thesefile hosts are sharing links mean they open up a web page where there is usually a button/link governed by often js. so its better to choose your host or have a plan to get the link.

    so the shortcode is [audio] and syntax for adding the audio to the post/page is

    [audio URL]

    remember to keep space between audio and URL

    i have tested it with soundcloud and mediafire.

    let us know what works for you,
    so others too can use it…
    remember its GPL…:)

  • @thesacredpath soundcloud widget is taking time to load/appear and sometimes it doesn’t appear at all in its space… what is possible solution to it?

  • perhaps flash but this doesn’t happen with youtube or many other flash elements on the page.soundcloud need to take care of it

  • I’ve got two soundcloud posts on my blog here, and I cannot get either one of them to show up for me at all. They do for others, but Safari and FF on my computer are reporting errors in the soundcloud code and WP doesn’t seem to be able to figure out why that is.

    All I can suggest is to wait till support is open again on monday and contact them: .

  • Someone know how to change the track name in the audio player? It’s really annoying to always get the “Track 1” title.
    My blog:

  • just tried media fire and you have to purchase their pro version to directly link – $7 per month. no, no no. i’m trying to put a recording i produced onto my blog. it’s a wma file. i’m not paying anything to share it other than my time. does anyone know how to do this?

  • @panaghiotisadam:
    Thanks a lot! Really useful blog!

  • @zzavettoni: You’re welcome and thanks.

    @playhotpotato: Convert it to an mp3, upload it to Fileden, get the direct URL from there and use it with the wp audio player shortcode.

    And please paste the exact URL of your blog when asking questions here, or link your nickname to your blog (as explained in the Sticky 8 Things to Know Before Posting). We usually need that to give a relevant answer.

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