Adding an SSL record to the DNS settings

  • I am trying to add a custom DNS setting to my domain. The site is hosted at, but the actual business premises want to take card payments and so need the business premises to have an SSL certificate to comply with regulations.
    I have been trying to add a custom DNS setting but each time it fails and just says ‘An error occured while trying to process your request. Please try again or Contact Support if you continue to have trouble.’ Clicking on ‘Contact Support’ leads me to a general page of no specific use.
    Has anyone else had this particular issue and how do I resolve it?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @tmbinternational, what DNS setting are you trying to add?

    Also your site here already has SSL:

    HTTPS Everywhere: Encryption for All Sites

  • Oh, also I’m betting you can’t add DNS records because you are not logged in as the user that owns the domain. Can you try logging in as that user and see if that helps?

  • Hi Supernovia
    The business has a website that is hosted elsewhere. The actual place of business accepts card payments, so to comply with regulatory requirements they must undergo a checking process that verifies the actual place of business (where they accept cards) has an SSL certificate installed. We have bought the SSL and now need to install it.
    Whilst we can install this certificate on a PC within the business premises and redirect any https requests to that IP address, each time I try to do it at I am getting the error shown in my original post.
    Needless to say I am a little unfamiliar with the way that WordPress handles DNS settings: I see there is a setting for * that I cannot edit; is this possibly what the problem is?
    I see that if I put it just takes me to the normal website, yet no matter how I look at the DNS settings I cannot see any way to edit or change that setting….

  • Hi,

    Sites on our servers already have SSL. You would not be able to install your own certificate on our servers.

    Please tell me specifically what DNS settings you are trying to add: the type of record, its values, etc. If there’s a verification key or something you’d rather not expose here, just send the gist so I can see what you are trying to do.

    We’ll go from there. Thanks!

  • Hi.

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

    I don’t actually need to install an SSL certificate on your servers.

    The client has a business that currently accepts card payments. In order to comply with certain regulations they are required to show that the actual premises where the card payments are taken are genuine and have an SSL certificate installed. We have bought the SSL certificate, and can install it at the premises that accept card payments, but we do need to have a FQDN to point the IP address to. We thought that by creating a subdomain (ie and creating an A record to the IP address of the business premises we could achieve the result we wanted. The problem seems to be when we are trying to create the A record it creates an error.
    Does that make sense?
    Kind regards

  • We thought that by creating a subdomain (ie and creating an A record to the IP address of the business premises we could achieve the result we wanted. The problem seems to be when we are trying to create the A record it creates an error.
    Does that make sense?

    Ah, yes. I’d mentioned earlier that you do need to be logged in as the user who owns the upgrade before you’ll be able to make DNS changes. Can you confirm you’ve tried that?

  • Ah. Sorry I missed that critical little point.

    That may well be the issue. I am not the owner of the account that manages the domain/website, but have been granted permissions by them to make changes.
    Sounds like that could be the problem?

  • @tmbinternational indeed; site administrators can make changes to the site but cannot change upgrades. Can you log in as the correct person, or have them get in touch with us to have the upgrade transferred to you? They could also contact us with the settings they need, if they’re struggling to add them on their own.

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