Adding an ADDITIONAL image to Writr theme

  • Hi. Thanks for your help!

    I am currently using the Writr theme for my joannectimpano blog. I have a head shot uploaded. I’d like to add an image to the right of that, like the promo for this theme shows in your list of themes. (i.e., your promo shows a cup of coffee above the space where the content goes.)

    I can’t figure out how to do so, using the tools I can access.

    Thanks again!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi again!

    I’d also appreciate how to do the same with the SELA theme. I can’t figure out how to add the three images across the top, under the header. (With the header, I am good. ;)

    Thanks again!

  • Hi Joanna,

    It actually works similarly in both Writr and Sela, using Featured Images.

    The cup with steam coming out of it in the Writr demo is a featured image for the Post “A Hot Cup of Tea.” See the post here:

    The demo setup for Sela is a tiny bit trickier:

    1. Setup a static Front page
    2. Set that Page to Sela’s Front Page Template
    3. Set a Featured image for that page

    The featured image is then the “background” for that portion of the front page.

    So in the demo, this image of the desk is the featured image, “FRONT PAGE TITLE GOES HERE” is the title of that page, and “This is the content of the front page […]” is in the body of that page. The Front Page Template just makes it work in a special way.

    -Alex G.

  • Thanks, Alex. I appreciate your detailed instructions.

    Of course, that generates another question for both (?) themes:

    In order to use ‘featured images’, do I have to have a static front page? I’d like my blog posts to be the landing place.

    Thanks again!

  • You can set featured images without using a static front page. Just look for the Featured Image setting (on the right) while creating a post or page. In fact, for any theme it’s usually a good idea to set a featured image for each post and page because it helps set what image is displayed on social media as well.

    For those instructions, I just wanted to make it clear that if you want your site to look like the Sela demo, the demo site is using that front page template.

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