Adding a subscriber

  • I’ve been trying to add a particular email address as a subscriber to our blog but I keep getting an email saying that WordPress is having trouble importing it.
    I know the email is valid.
    I know I’m not yet at my 100 subscriber limit.
    It’s an address.
    What should I try doing differently? Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello –

    Thanks for writing to us. I’ll be happy to work on this subscriber issue together. 

    Can you tell me the email address you’re trying to add? Type it here normally and the forum will automatically redact it from public view. Only our team will be able to see it and I will remove it entirely once I can copy it for my notes.

    The message suggests that it was added through the import option rather than typing the email into the box manually. Can you tell me more about how you’re adding the email? 


  • (email visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Hi! I’m not seeing any issues with this email address at present. Can you try typing it in manually as @staff-zinnia suggested?

  • I hit the “add subscriber button and then typed it into the box and it still kicked me an email saying “we’ve got a small snag importing your subscribers.” I’m not uploading a csv or anything.

  • Hey @emmiekinz! That’s exactly all the info I need. It looks like that email address is already a subscriber, and has been since December of 2022. If you go to this page and search for that email address, you should see them without an issue. I just did that before I replied. Let me know if you’ve got issues after that!

  • Wow, thank you so much 😆

  • No problem! that’s what we’re here for. :)

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