Adding a google map to track my route

  • I want to add a google map that I can trace my travel route on, pin places I have been and link to photos from that site.

    I don’t want the map to be in just one post but part of the ongoing blog something I can edit as I go along and not changeable by visitors to the site..only viewable.

    I cant find anything that relates to this.

    Keep in mind I am brand new to WordPress

    Help please.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi aarthurperry!

    Have a look at Google My Maps where you can create your own Google map with locations that you add to it. You can then embed that map on your website, like in the footer, so that visitors can see it, but not edit it. Only you will be able to edit the map through Google My Maps.

    Here is a link to Google My Maps where you can create your map:

    And here is how to get the embed code to put it on your website:

    Once you have the embed code from Google, you can place that code into a text widget in your footer or side bar and WordPress will then convert that code into a shortcode starting with [googlemaps. Now copy and paste that shortcode into the Custom HTML widget and your map will display properly.

    Hope this helps!

  • Hi aarthurperry!

    Have a look at Google My Maps where you can create your own Google map with locations that you add to it. You can then embed that map on your website, like in the footer, so that visitors can see it, but not edit it. Only you will be able to edit the map through Google My Maps.

    Here is a link to Google My Maps where you can create your map:

    And here is how to get the embed code to put it on your website:

    Once you have the embed code from Google, you can place that code into a text widget in your footer or side bar and WordPress will then convert that code into a shortcode starting with [googlemaps. Now copy and paste that shortcode into the Custom HTML widget and your map will display properly.

    Hope this helps!

  • Aarthurperry, I am notifying a staff member about this post as something seems to have gone wrong with this post so you can ignore this message.

    ————–For Staff————-
    When I replied to this topic it added the The blog I need help with is below my reply and posted it twice, but with 20 minutes in between. Now it also says that I created the topic in the top right?

    See attached screenshot incase it only shows for me. I did clear my cache and logged out and back in, but still the same.

    Also on the main Latest Discussions page of the forum, it shows 3 replies (will be 4 after this one) but that aarthurperry made the last reply.
    Here is a screenshot of that:

    I wasn’t sure where to report this other than here :-)

  • Hi @aarthurperry — If your theme supports it, there are widgets that connect with Google Maps. You would go to: My Sites > Customize > Widgets. Also, this has been tagged as Modlook, which means staff will be getting back to you in the meantime.

  • Hi Alan,

    Please follow the instructions provided by @epoolman and let me know if you need more help.

    @epoolman, looks like your posts were caught by our spam filter due to one of the links you provided.

  • Thanks @fstat, makes sense. Although it still shows that I created this topic?

  • Let me try something to see if I can shake it loose. Hopefully we won’t lose the entire thread. :)

    If it ever happens again that you see your reply “disappear” like that, besides MODLOOK add a tag to the Tags like “epoolman in spam”.

    Updated: it was the double post that apparently caused the issue you mentioned epoolman.

  • Thanks for the answers and help It is appreciated. Now however I find out that I cannot add any plug ins unless I UPGRADE to the business version at almost 5x’s the cost.

    I am wishing I’d started this at Blogger where I could get the Google map and other useful plug-ins free. I am not in this for money or big numbers just a simple cool blog and it seems I have landed in the wrong place.

  • Good morning , aarthurperry

    With, it is a managed environment and dedicated support. We do require the business plan to add plugins to your blog.

    Alternatively, you can take a look at having a self hosted WordPress site. This is the other version of WordPress and there’s no fee to install plugins. The support comes via a community forum of volunteers or through your hosting provider.

    Take a look at this guide where there’s a bit more information about the differences between the 2 versions of WordPress:

  • The topic ‘Adding a google map to track my route’ is closed to new replies.