Adding a Comment in a Gallery

  • Hi,
    When I try to Post a comment that I want to add to a photo in a gallery I get the message ‘Sorry, but there was an error posting your comment. Please try again later.’ I haven’t tried every photo in every gallery, but it happens in every photo in every gallery that I have tried.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, please provide a link or two to where you are trying to leave a comment and get this message. Thanks.

  • This is from the gallery on the ‘Bechuanaland’ page in ‘The Swaneng Story’:-


    Clicking a picture in the gallery on the side bar starts a slide show. You have a button in the lower right-hand corner that allows you to enter a comment about the picture that you are on. After entering your comment, an error occurs when you try to ‘post’ it.

  • From my own experience, it’s very possible that the site owner has comments turned off on the individual image file, but has enabled commenting in the image carousel.

    As a volunteer I have no way to confirm that on the site you’ve shared, so I’ve gone ahead and flagged this for Staff attention.

    Staff- there was an open github thread or maybe a forum thread on this same issue (comment box showing up in the gallery image carousel on images where the image itself had commenting disabled and a site visitor receiving the exact error message that the OP provided) that I can no longer find (and there’s a good chance I started/reported it!).

  • Or it might be something entirely different! :D

  • I am the site owner and I haven’t turned off comments on images. I don’t even know how to do this and could not find out how to do that to individual images nor to entire galleries.

  • Then I wonder if it’s because the images are displaying in a sidebar widget. We’ll have to wait for Staff to look into this. Thanks for your patience.

    In the meantime, you might open to edit one or two of those images in your site’s Media Library (only in WP Admin/Classic view) to see if the “Allow comments” box is checked in the Discussion Module. (temporary screenshot)

  • justjennifer – thanks for your efforts, but how do I get into WP Admin/Classic view of the Media Library? I just get a ‘Media’ option and go into the Media Library without an option to select a view.

  • Hello again,

    When you are in the Media Library in a web browser, in the upper right corner of your browser window you should see a tab that says “View” When you click it, you’ll have the option to switch to the Classic View. After you do that, you’ll also see two display mode options for the Media Library at the top of the columns, either Thumbnails or a List. It’s quicker to get to the Discussion module if you are in List mode. Then click on the Edit link that will appear under the image title. That will open the Image with its settings.

    I also looked at some of your previous threads and understand that you’ve been replacing the Gallery Widgets in your site’s sidebar with Gallery Blocks? Or did you decide to move the inactive widgets back into to the sidebar? (I’m not sure that this is the source of the comment issue you mentioned in this thread, but want to cover all bases.)

    Unfortunately my online time for today is almost over. Please post back here with what you see in the Discussion module in the Image. Thanks.

  • Hi @gpozzani

    I can confirm that comments are turned off for that image as well as some others in that gallery, which is why that comment form is not working. Taking a closer look, I see that the image you are looking at is one that was uploaded in 2015. At that time, I suspect we defaulted to turning “OFF” comments on images (which some site owners find confusing), but I have noticed that this no longer seems to be the case, and more recent image uploads default to having the comments “ON” instead.

    If you wish, you can locate and edit each image’s settings in the medial library and turn on comments for each. For example, you can see that option on the settings page for the image you mentioned in your post:

    If you find these images difficult to locate in your media library (I find them by searching for the filename), you could re-upload a second copy of the photos you display in your sidebar gallery. These new images could then be added to a sidebar gallery, and for those, the ability to comment will work as expected since comments are on by default for recent image uploads.

    If you prefer not to show the option to comment on images in the gallery carousel (so no one else is confused by it), you can turn that off here:

    I did spot a bug report here that you may be referring to, and you can see I added this forum thread to the bug report comments. Even if it was hard to locate, your memory has served you well; thanks for that hint. :)

  • Hi @staff-totoro thanks. Sometimes the noggin’ still fires on all cylinders. ;)

    While we do have a write up in the support site on how to access the Media Library in the Classic View, there’s no mention of the Discussion Module there.

    Also the link in Screen Options here

    As with other dashboard pages, you can use the Screen Options in the upper right to configure which columns are shown in the table.

    is a dead end link because that page has been rewritten to reflect only the Default View of the Pages dashboard. Screen Options appears in the Classic View. Maybe it should link here instead?

  • Thank you both. I’m sorted now, but I can’t say that it was easy!

  • Thanks @justjennifer I’ve passed that on to our docs team to address directly. \o/

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