Add YouTube verification to site

  • Hi,
    How do I add a .html verification file to my site? I have a YouTube channel that I need to verify against my Image Earth site.
    Many thanks :)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    You need to use one of the alternate verification methods to verify a site, as it’s not possible to upload files directly to the servers here.

    In Youtube’s verification methods, select the Alternate Methods option and look for the meta tag. Paste that tag into the Google Search Console field at My Site ->Settings ->Traffic. Make sure to leave the verification page in YouTube open while doing this, else the verification will fail.

    For more info you can also see the Google Search Console section here:

    Webmaster Tools

  • Thank you for the instructions.

    I’m totally confused now as I already have the meta in WP My Sites>Traffic as did this when I initially set up Image Earth a few years ago.

    I’m not sure what else I need to do to link my YouTube channel, which is only a couple of months old to my Image Earth Travel? The new verification failed so do I need to replace the old meta tag with the new one?

  • If your site is already verified with Google it should automatically be verified with Youtube as well, provided it’s the same Gmail account.

    Else it shouldn’t cause any problems to remove the site from Search Console and re-verify with a new meta tag.

    You might also want to consider contacting Google support – if the site is already verified in Search Console but Youtube is showing it as unverified that might be an issue on their end.

  • Yes, it is the same Gmail account.

    Will replacing with a new meta tag delete any history?

  • Do you mean in search console? It will likely remove any historic analytics data already in Search Console for your site, yes, but someone at Google will be better able to answer that question.

  • Yes, I thought it would so best to ask first.
    I’ve no idea how to contact Google Support and they’re support site doesn’t include an email just the perpetual revolving door of endless forums and dead ends.

  • Google support for their free services are not easy to reach, no, but I’m afraid that’s the only way to get a definite answer here. Youtube belongs to Google, so if your site is verified in Search Console already, it should also be verified in Youtube. If it’s not, it’s a problem on Google’s end.

  • OK, I’ll keep trying.
    Many thanks.

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