Add This Button

  • Okay, I’m a techno idiot, so bear with me, and please be specific. I have a digg button, which I add manually to many of my posts. I wanted to add a “add this” button to the end of my posts. I assume that people can then click this and add my post to whatever services they wish, digg or stumble or whatever.

    I understand that wordpress does not allow plugins or entry into the template code as the add this site says. So I got the code for the button which is as follows:

    <!-- AddThis Button for Post BEGIN -->
    <?php echo "<div><a href=\"".get_permalink()."&title=".get_the_title($id)."\" title=\"Bookmark and Share\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" width=\"125\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Bookmark and Share\" /></a></div>"; ?>
    <!-- AddThis Button for Post END -->

    However, this doesn’t work. I’ve recently been told that the ` needs to be added here to make this come up right. Is this my only problem?

    I found this code on this forum which does work, but with a problem. When you click on the button, you get the menu like I want, but when you hit say, Digg, it takes you to the “submit new” page. I’m expecting that people can click digg and that will give me a “digg” adding to my digg total. That code is:

    <a href="" title="Bookmark using any bookmark manager!" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="AddThis Social Bookmark Button" border="0" height="16" width="125" /></a>

    Any help would be a blessing. I am sorry, but I do need step by step instructions. Thanks. Am I just missing the point of something?

  • The first code is php script which is not allowed due to security concerns.

    This FAQ, which I don’t know if you saw, has some additional information: .

    Without being able to have script (as in your first example) the process will never be as smooth or seamless as it could be. Perhaps at some point WordPress will actually add the capability to the service here, but we never know if or when.

  • Thanks I’ll try this :)

  • @spiritmeadow-Let us know how it turns out for you. Personally, I have never had luck bookmarking my Posts with whatever’s left of the “Add This” button after WordPress.COM strips out the javascript from the code. That’s one reason I heartily recommend GetSocial for bookmarking your individual Posts.

  • Plus GetSocial, Offers the Add This, button so your readers can
    bookmark your home page. For Bookmarking your individual posts
    please refer to JustJennifer’s, reply.

    GetSocial Tutorial, » GetSocial Video Tutorial

  • which button?… any explanation?….

  • The button is called, “addthis”.

    Who’s on first?

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