Add Excerpt

  • I’ve typed an excerpt into the excerpt box on the left hand side bar of my editing blog post page. However, when I publish my post the excerpt does not show but instead the whole post is displayed.

    How do I display the excerpt without adding it in to my post and using the “read more” link?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    The Excerpts support page says:

    Depending on the theme you have activated, excerpts you assign may be displayed on your homepage, RSS feed, or archives page. Your theme will also determine whether or not your excerpt is followed by a link that points readers to the full-length post.

    By “homepage,” they mean the posts page, aka the blog page.

    How do I display the excerpt without adding it in to my post and using the “read more” link?

    The More Tag is the option, unless you switch to another theme that displays excerpts on the posts page.

  • I forgot to provide a link to the Excerpts support page.

  • josiewosie – I see excerpts on your homepage here, including custom excerpts for the posts where you’ve added them:

    Let us know if you’re all set.

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