Add an attribute to every post but the first one?

  • Hello!
    I am trying to add a line between my posts. I have been just using a border-top on the post div which works just fine

    However, I don’t want the very first post on the homepage to have this line at the top.

    Unfortunately, I am not very well versed in php and I’m having a hard time figuring it out

    How do you specify a css attribute for all posts except the first?

  • Pretty sure grahm that you are not hosted with and if that is the case, you might want to search over at

  • We need a link to your wordpress.COM blog to help. And consider linking it in your user name as explained in the sticky, 8 Things, at the top of the forums.

  • Sorry about the rulebending.

    I did register a account a while ago but still haven’t switched over.

    But he blog I’m working on, is for my company and is indeed with Still not sure if I understand the difference?

    The logo seems pretty similar anyways. But anyhow, I’m in uncharted territory here trying to get their blog online and for some reason won’t recognize my admin login to get into those forums so I though I’d try here.

  • The difference is here And the registrations are separate since they are separate forums. (Mods, I hope y’all are paying attention here.) So you will need to re-register over there.

  • Both stickies at the top of the forums have information on the differences. is from Automattic (company) that is a service that gives away free blogs. is a open-source community for all topics wordpress generally for the downloadable version of wordpress. They are closely tied, but separate in many ways. The forums are completely separate and so is the registration.

    These forums are for people have have a blog hosted here on and the other forums are for people have hired a host and have a install of the downloadable software.

    Hope that helps.

  • <i>The logo seems pretty similar anyways.</i>

    I agree.

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