Action Bar Feedback

  • The folowing says it all.

    The new admin is the future

    It is whether we like it or not. Whether we ant it or not. YOU want it as you states…

    It was a necessary change for us to reach a goal we set to simplify the top toolbar.

    Really? And you never thought about it, to never complicate it in the first place as you have done?

    Guess it also means the old dashboard will disappear at some point?

    It makes choosing easier and glad I am already mirroring the site elsewhere.

  • It would be great if a little popup popped up when one clicked to follow a blog and asked what notification preferences I would like.

    @artphotowall, I’ll forward this suggestion. Thank you for the feedback!

  • just make it simple and responsive to the mobile version. It would be useful

    @fdhly, try the “collapse this bar” option if you haven’t already. It may not help if your theme is not a responsive theme, but definitely give it a try.

  • There was one thing I wanted to say but did not had the words for. Or maybe it just sprouted into mind due to your comments. And also the command someone made who moved on her blog for the following reason.

    The day I joined WP I was taken by the professional look of that the dashboard had. It felt solid. It was all there in one place. Working straight forward and no smuck ups.
    The new menu’s , bars and looks are just to much looking like puffs of smoke. Clouds floating and hovering all over the place.

    I do hope for something more solid as well..

  • @rantingcrow [Oct 3, 2015, 7:19 PM] — Right on!

  • This one goes up and down. Why?

    The idea behind that is to move the bar out of the way as your readers are scrolling down while they read your posts.

  • Here is a screenshot of a post we would like to reblog. As you can see the like button is active, and the admins assure us so is reblog. In fact we have shared each others’ posts before.

    @dorsetiww, I don’t see the reblog button in the screenshot you linked to and I’m sure that means the settings for that site had reblogs turned off when you took that screenshot. An admin on the blog can double check the setting by going to WP Admin > Settings > Sharing > Reblog Button, or I can help check if you reply back here and include a link to the blog.

  • This is a wessexsolidarity admin. I can assure you the reblog button is turned on. We see exactly the same thing looking at dorsetiww’s blog, and all the other users we know. We have all made the check you describe many times.

    What wordpress are saying simply isn’t true, which is what everyone on this thread has been banging on about from the start.

    It’s beyond annoying, we were planning a skillshare for the kingfisher mothers, a campaign group fighting to save paediatric and maternity services at Dorset County Hospital, so they can create and maintain their own blog, which is desperately needed. It seems futile whilst the information we are imparting is inaccurate and out of date, we are struggling ourselves as experienced users, and to be repeatedly told to use something that isn’t there adds insult to injury.

  • Thanks for including a link, that’s helpful.

    In your latest reply above, you linked to which is a page, and the reblog feature works for posts not pages.

    I reviewed that blog and checked the settings, and I see that both reblogs and likes are on. That means the reblog button should appear at the bottom of posts (not pages).

    I checked the latest post at and I can see the reblog button working at the bottom of the post. Here is a screenshot of what I see:

  • @designsimply: You have not responded to my comment. It’s now several posts back. I love being skipped.

    It appears no one likes the thing, why not just take it off?

  • Just so there’s no argument, here’s our settings:

  • @moonwalksusa, I looked back to find your comment to see if there’s anything I can do to help you. Here’s what you said:

    The action bar and a big white bar telling me what “theme” I’m using BLOCKS MY ACCESS TO THE “<older posts” link.

    I checked the blog linked to your username and I found that blog is currently using the Modularity Lite theme. I’m not sure whether that’s the blog you were referring to since you didn’t provide a link in your comment, but I checked that one out and here’s how the home page looks to me:

    When I scroll down further, here’s what the white bar you mentioned looks like to me: That bar is the footer bar, so if you have more specific questions about that one we should move to a different thread since this thread was setup specifically for action bar feedback and already has a lot of replies which makes it harder to keep track of for very detailed support work for one individual.

    In what I could find so far, nothing overlaps, and I cannot see an “<older posts” link—it appears you have the infinite scroll setting turned on. Have you changed settings since your comment was posted? Is the blog you were referring to?

    Keep in mind not everyone has the same display or browser window width and size, so where the action bar lands will vary depending on screen resolution. Is your display resolution set to something very small? Mine is set to 2560 x 1600. I am using a 13-inch MacBook with a retina display and with the browser expanded full-width.

    I have been f***ing with the thing for a couple hours tonight, I can’t go back to where I want to be in my own blog!

    I’m not sure how to help you with this part because there is not much context. Is there a specific area in your blog I can help you find? Where exactly are you trying to get to in your blog that you are having a hard time finding?

  • This is how we see it

    @dorsetiww, thank you for the screenshot! I can see one section only here, can you please provide a direct link to where this screenshot is from so I can take a closer look? What you linked to might be a page and not a post, and I would like to check it out.

  • Just so there’s no argument, here’s our settings:

    @wessexsolidarity, thank you for the screenshot! I see in that screenshot that the setting selected says, “Show the Reblog button on posts.” Earlier you linked to a page not a post, and that matches with the setting from your screenshot because the setting does not apply to pages. I think posts versus pages might be the source of the confusion in this case.

    What you are seeing where the reblog button does not appear on pages and only appears on posts is the same way it was setup in the past. Here is a past forum thread which may also help you:

  • This is getting tedious; are you a person or an automated reply mechanism? We are all agreed that pages are not subject to reblog. The screenshot we supplied is of a post on wessexsolidarity, exactly the same one as the screenshot you showed except without the reblog button. Wessexsolidarity have shown you their settings, which allow for re-blogging of posts such as this one. It’s just an example, the same applies to posts from all the other users we typically share.

    Now kindly either apply some thought to this matter or admit it doesn’t work, you are making yourself and your organisation look foolish.

  • I’ll make it easy for you, here’s your shot:

    here’s ours:

    and here are the blog settings (theirs not ours):

  • By the way, we’re both hosting the screenshots on our blogs’ media attachment pages, because we don’t have anywhere else to put them, in case that’s what’s confusing you.

  • Comment by designsimply

    Keep in mind not everyone has the same display or browser window width and size, so where the action bar lands will vary depending on screen resolution. Is your display resolution set to something very small?

    If one already knows this, why are you lot still still so gung-ho on putting something on the screen that floats and places itself where ever? Thus able to obstruct parts of a blog.
    I think that be the last thing anyone wants is obstruction to view a bllog and read its contents.
    Should you not have an solid solution like back on the top bar. Or back in the old menu scheme. So this will not be an issue.

    And yes this is very much action bar related. Sounds like, in the end you never gave it much thought.

  • @dorsetiww, I asked for a direct link because I wanted to verify that we are looking at the same exact URL so I could help you test this and make absolutely sure I am looking at the same thing as you. When troubleshooting, it helps very much to go through specific examples and provide detail.

    I believe this is the post we are both testing:

    I have checked it several times using a few different browsers and I can always see the reblog button at

    If there is a bug in play, then the best thing I can do to help you is to test myself and try to reproduce the bug. I haven’t been able to do that so far, and that’s why I’m stating how the setting should be working, asking questions, and using a lot of specifics. From what I can see, the setting is working as expected, so at this point I can only continue to ask for details and keep testing until the issue becomes clear on your side or mine.

    Another reason I asked for the URL is that I thought the screenshot might be old and the setting may have been changed after the screenshot has taken. If there’s a chance that’s the case, then you can test by clearing your browser cache and cookies using the instructions in the following link and checking the post again. If it’s still not showing, please let me know what OS/browser versions you are using and I will try to do some further testing. Please try clearing your cache and cookies as a troubleshooting step—do this even if you have done it already in the past:

    If any other people who are participating in this thread are also wiling to help, it would be helpful if you would take a screenshot showing the sharing buttons at and let me know what OS and browser version you are using. Doing that will help me know whether this problem is limited to one user or one browser or if there’s some other common thread we can find if you can see the problem as well. Thank you so much if you can help out!

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