Action Bar Feedback

  • Thanks for this awesome site. You folks here seem to be the only ones who understands me with my admiration for the very young. It’s an artform. Not pervertedness. I’m simply observing and appreciating the beauty of youthful appearance in the form of beautiful artwork. Centuries, even millieumiums of child and adult paintings were never questioned. Why would they be? This is what they were born with. Why all the shame and problems? It’s simply a waste of time and effort.
    My stories reflect my guilty conscience and me just striking out at myself and nothing more.
    So thank you all, again. You’re all awesome!

  • There have been so many changes and none of them seem consistent from one platform to the next. I think moving the follow and like buttons to the bottom is one of the worst. It pops up, it goes away. when I want, it isn’t there. The worst is it’s in the way when I’m reading on my phone.
    Please ditch the stupid floating button and put it static back on the top.

  • I am disappointed about losing the ‘reblog’ feature.
    If it is to be re=instated after amendments, why could it not be left “as is/was” until the redesign is ready?
    So many comments are adverse, the new toolbar/actionbar is not popular. Perhaps a an unnecessary change?
    Also the help response system is nowhere as good as the “early days”, when personal replies to questions were offered. I realize the magnitude of providing that service to so many customers is prohibitive, just saying!

  • Hi,

    I didn’t understand if I can use this new Action Bar only on WordPress.Com or this is a new feature for the site done with wordpress…
    In the second case how can I use it on my website?


  • We really need the Reblog function back. That’s why we are paying WordPress $129 a year. If there’s no option for reblogging under, then a key reason for using your services is gone.

    Also, there are no warning before paying $129 that you’ll be removing reblog. Please put it back. Thanks!

  • Please, please please remove this ridiculous action bar. It’s constant popping up and down is very much like the right sidebar pop out garbage that Windows 8 did constantly. Why was this done anyway?

    It serves no purpose other than to apparently give WP employees something to do. And to piss me off. Please, put it back where it was!

    Why not remove the “new” Admin area as well while you are at it, WP? There are two versions, old and “new”? One day, all of this nonsense will drive me away from WP. Like all the 300+ themes, really? Do we need so many??

  • It would be great if a little popup popped up when one clicked to follow a blog and asked what notification preferences I would like.

    The Backstory:
    A friend of mine changed blogs and I clicked to ‘follow’.

    After a while I realised I wasn’t being notified when she posted. And of course it is because she changed blogs.

    And the default setting in the WP Reader for ‘Send new posts by email’ is (I think) in the ‘off’ position. So I went hunting for how to change that.

    I went to the ‘Reader’ page and it took me a while to figure out that I needed to click the little cog/gear next to ‘Followed Sites’ and then navigate down to her blog and click the little ‘edit’ button next to the name of her blog and then change the ‘Send new posts by email’ setting to ‘instantly’.
    What a palaver.

    So, about the action bar – It would be great if a little popup popped up when one clicked to follow a blog and asked what notification preferences I would like.

  • It would be great if a little popup popped up when one clicked to follow a blog and asked what notification preferences I would like.

    Seconded. That would be a very useful enhancement.

  • just make it simple and responsive to the mobile version. It would be useful

  • The action bar and a big white bar telling me what “theme” I’m using BLOCKS MY ACCESS TO THE “<older posts” link. I have been f***ing with the thing for a couple hours tonight, I can’t go back to where I want to be in my own blog!

  • Ready to leave WP yet? WP is full of little things they have done that just make no sense. A blue/white newer admin area, a different admin area that looks completely different. All of the old, crusty themes they have from years ago. More crusty, look-alike themes added weekly.

    The little bar in the lower right corner, what is the purpose? It’s EXTREMELY annoying and reminds me of the Windows 8 right sidebar issue, the bar that would pop out for no reason. PING PONG, in and out. This one goes up and down. Why?

    I have been using WP for many many many years – there are things that get changed for no reason. there are things that never get repaired. So, why am I still here? Maybe it’s time to move back to self-hosting.

  • Got to say the action button gets a big thumbs down from me. Instead of keeping all the in-page functionality in one easy-to-find place (the admin bar) it’s now split into two places at opposite ends of a page. Not to mention that it’s completely undiscoverable for non-techie users (every one I’ve shown it to has been very confused as to why it keeps “moving” – i.e. hiding itself – and that’s once I had to point it out to them in the first place).

    It is at least consistent with the “new UI” design philosophy of requiring more clicks to accomplish every task than before – while making me think every time I do anything – the ultimate usability sin. Plus giving the lowest common denominator UI across all platforms (such as the “new” stats which looks OK on mobile but no better on the desktop – rather than making use of the different platform, extra space available and changed interaction model). Except the action bar is even more intrusive and irritating on a phone – doesn’t hide until you finish scrolling, is a nightmare to tap the correct button (even with my regulation sized fingers), doesn’t dismiss if I tap off it, annoying delay when scrolling up before it appears. Awful. There’s a reason you don’t see this type of widget on most mobile sites.

    I’m not a fan of criticising someone’s design when I don’t see the reasoning / politics behind it or the results of usability testing – but it strikes me as doing something clever for technical reasons rather than any other as I simply cannot see any benefit to it other than to add confusion so I can’t help but comment. Just my opinion of course.

  • I couldn’t agree with you more, sir!

  • Here is a screenshot of a post we would like to reblog. As you can see the like button is active, and the admins assure us so is reblog. In fact we have shared each others’ posts before.

    So where is this mythical button? We are using firefox on windows XP and windows 7, we have not seen it on other wordpress accounts we regularly reblog either, though it appears other accounts can share our posts.

  • Hello and apologies for not keeping up with you on this thread. I am going back through all the replies right now and I will add several replies in a row (in order from past comments) to see what I can do to help you with all of your questions and concerns.

  • What would make the “new” Action Bar better would be to have a link to the Stats for the particular blog post(s). Right now for older blog posts we have to go to Published, search for the title, then click the Stats button.

    Thanks for the suggestion, @dandelionsalad. We tried to find a good balance for how many links to include in that menu without it being overwhelming. For now, there aren’t plans to add more links to it, but that could change in the future.

  • @lulaharp, there have definitely been a lot of changes. It’s a huge transition and I’m sorry the change disruptive. All of the admin interfaces are evolving, and we believe that the benefits will be worth it after the rate of change slows.

    @kenmcmurtrie, there have been both good and bad comments about the action bar change. It was a necessary change for us to reach a goal we set to simplify the top toolbar.

  • I didn’t understand if I can use this new Action Bar only on WordPress.Com or this is a new feature for the site done with wordpress…
    In the second case how can I use it on my website?

    @pcasciaro, the action bar is only available on, however, it is possible to use to manage your self-hosted website if you have installed and connected the Jetpack plugin.

  • We really need the Reblog function back.

    @digitalmonkblog, the reblog function is still there, it is just not in the toolbar, which means it is currently not available on blogs where the blog owner has decided to disable the feature. Other blogs should still have a reblog button, you just need to read the article to the end and find the button.

  • Why not remove the “new” Admin area as well while you are at it, WP? There are two versions, old and “new”? One day, all of this nonsense will drive me away from WP. Like all the 300+ themes, really? Do we need so many??

    The new admin is the future. :) On themes, all of our themes are curated and vetted by our theme team and many users really enjoy the wide variety of updated and diverse themes we offer. If you don’t change your theme too often yourself, this probably won’t affect you, but for new users coming in, having a solid selection of themes is a really good thing to have.

    You should stick around though! The current rate of change will slow eventually and we’ll be in a much better position then!

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