Accidentally Activated Theme

  • Good morning. I need to revert my website back to it’s other form. I accidentally activated a theme and cannot go back. Unknown
    Jetpack: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Greetings @birrittellas,

    Unfortunately, there’s no “Undo” button for theme changes. In that case, you’ll need to look through the theme directory for the theme you previously had and re-activate it from there.

    You may be able to find it by going to:
    WP-Admin -> Appearance -> Themes

    It seems like you are using an open-source software, so in the future, you’ll want to seek help at these forums instead as the folks in the open-source forums are more familiar with these kinds of issues and are in the best position to help.

    Thank you !

  • Hi @birrittellas

    We can’t help directly because we don’t host on our managed hosting. As a result, we can’t take a closer look at your site.

    Instead your host (GoDaddy) uses the open-source variant of the WordPress platform which functions differently than what we offer here on The good news is that help is available here at the open-source WordPress forums:

    The folks in the open-source forums are more familiar with these kinds of issues and are in the best position to help. Another option is to contact GoDaddy support directly and ask if they can roll your site back to a period from before you changed your theme, which may be present in the backups they maintain on their end.

    Hope this helps point you in the right direction!

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