Access old WordPress files

  • Hello!
    I’m working for someone who used to have a site on WordPress. I changed the platform to Shopify and now I can’t access the old dashboard and the informations that was there. The web hosting is GoDaddy so I can see there is WordPress files in there but I don’t know how to access.
    Everytime I try to access the admin page it saids it can’t be found. I also tried to recover the password but WordPress saids that the email is not in their database. Is this normal? Once you change your platform everything disappear?
    Please, help me!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • To be clear: I just create this account to access the forum and ask you this questions. The website that I’m referring is
    Thank you.

  • Hello rosaroderjan,

    This is the support for wordpress.COM, which is it’s own hosting platform. I would recommend checking out the support/forums for the wordpress.ORG self-hosted option here:

    Apologies but we are unable to offer assistance on third-party solutions, as we are dedicated to wordpress.COM. For more information on the difference between the two:

    I hope this helps!

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