Access issues: any ideas how to fix this?

  • I can’t access the reader and some of the links from within the dashboard. I also keep getting messages to upgrade my browser but I’m already using IE9 which is the recommended version and I install updates as they become available. Any idea as to what to try next – I did try clearing the cache, it didn’t help. I tried firefox and that made no difference either. This problem appears to be intermittent as some days it works, others it doesn’t
    Blog url:

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • If you are using AdBlock please try disabling it and all other browser add-ons and extensions.
    If you are not using the http:// secure log in please try it.
    If you are using IE9 in compatibility mode disable that, as it reduces the functions of the browser to IE7 and IE7 is no longer supported.

  • Thanks timethief, I’ve set the browser to use the secure login and hopefully that has sorted it, I only use compatibility mode when I really have to and didn’t realise it set things that far back! So far today it’s behaving *s*

  • That’s good news. Thanks for sharing it.

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