Abuse on blog

  • Hello everyone,

    Two months ago, I met someone online, I mean on a wordpress blog. This person initially showed up as a 21 year old girl from Detroit Michigan who could not speak English very well because she said she had lived her most of her life in France. I interacted with her for some time on this blog and then gave her an email address. She wrote to me and shared some a lot of info with me about her life. I tried to be as supportive as I could. Then two weeks ago someone showed up on that same blog where I had met that first person. “He” was being very abusive in his posts but I tried to be understanding- trying to understand where this person was coming from emotionally. I even tried to persuade the owner of the blog not to delete his posts. But a few days later this person without any provocation on my part started abusing me/attacking me on that blog. His said he was from Detroit, Michigan and something about the way he was speaking English and the way he was expressing himself reminded me of that other person I ‘d met on the same blog and with whom I ‘d exchanged many emails. So I emailed her and asked her if she was posting in disguise on that blog. She refused flatly and ever swore on her mother’s grave it wasn’t her. More people showed up, like friends of this person and they started abusing me/attacking me on the blog. Eventually, I stopped interacting with her over emails and that person on the blog who by now I was certain it was her. A day or so later she showed up on the blog again using her original nickname and tried to get me to talk to her. At which point I decided to start posting in disguise to get her to reveal herself. She got a bit confused not being able to say for sure if it was me or not so in the end she revealed herself to be the same person. Then she sent me an email apologizing to me and telling me a new story about who she really was. I don’t know if this time she was telling the truth because she had already lied to me countless times. But what was very disturbing is that 1) she said to me that she was only 13 and I wonder if kids of that age our allowed to even post on a wordpress blog and 2) she’s continuing to email me and post on this blog under a new name.

    I don’t know what exactly I ‘m supposed to do with this. I would like to block her emails but she also happens to have my email address at work. I ‘ve already received some weird anonumous email there. Could someone please tell me how I can report and deal with this incident effectively?

    Thank you in advance

    Calliope Iris

  • Block her/him? where ever you can. Stop responding to mails and flag email as junk so you don’t even see them. Stop visiting the blog in question and don’t respond to posts. If it really is a 13 year old they will probably get bored and go away. If they persist I’m not sure what to do though.

  • You can block commenters on your blog by going to Settings > Discussion on your dashboard. Enter any names, email addresses and IP addresses associated with the person.

    Do not enter into any further conversation either via email or the blog. Delete anything that gets past your blacklist and amend your blacklist accordingly.

    Anyone can comment on a WP.com blog; those aged 13 and over are permitted to have their own blogs.

  • Oh, I see. Not your blog. Just ignore it, then. The internet’s a big enough place not to have to hang out with anyone you would rather not.

    Unless there’s anything you think is actually defamatory in which case you should report it to the police.

  • Thanks for the replies. I thought I could report such behavior to wordpress as well. Surely they must care about what is going on on their blogs?

  • No, WordPress is not in the character monitoring business.

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