Ability to underline in a post disappeared

  • This REALLY sucks. I use both the underline and justify on EACH of my blog entries. And using the text version is time-consuming as all get-out.

    Seriously, even if people didn’t like it, why remove the tool? Let those of us who use it continue to use it, for goodness’ sake!

    As someone who blogs daily and puts a lot of time in his posts, this really TICKS ME OFF!

    I DON’T need a more time-consuming experience. :(:(:(

    (sorry for the “shouting”, but I can’t UNDERLINE)

  • Thanks for the feedback, all. This isn’t something we’ll be changing back since it’s in WordPress core itself. For now, WordPress.com does support auto-justify, and I’ll be sure to mention your complaints for future iterations.

    Re: CSS, if you get a plan that supports it, I’ll be happy to look at your theme and figure out what code would work best for you to auto-justify on wide screens. You would just copy and paste that CSS once, then you wouldn’t have to worry about it after that — and you wouldn’t even have to remember to justify. I hope that helps.

    Sorry there isn’t more I can do in this case. Cheers, all!

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