A few questions

  • Hi,

    I started using the free version of poll daddy and may be upgrading to the pro version, but I have a few questions:

    1. I see that the repeated voters expiry can’t go beyond 1 week? Isn’t there an option for “never”?

    2. Once someone votes, is there a way to keep the results up for the next time they return, instead of showing the original Q&A?

    3. Will I be able to show right/wrong answer to the viewer? If so, will the use be greater with the results or the original questions when returning?

    4. What’s the main difference between a poll and a quiz? (I understand the diff btw poll and survey)

    C. — my sites are vizleader.com and personalizedleadership.wordpress.com

  • Hi,

    1. According to the Polls support page, there is a “Never” options for repeat voters.

    2. I don’t think so.

    3. A poll, by definition, does not have right or wrong answers.

    4. Unlike a poll, a quiz will have a correct answer. A poll provides optional responses to a question or prompt, but there should be no reason to assume that one answer is more correct than another.

  • I forgot to provide a link to the Polls support page.

  • As far as I know only polldaddy polls, and not quizzes and surveys, are available for WordPress.com sites. If you question is in regards to the site vizleader.com, then this is the wrong forum.

    This forum is solely for issues regarding WordPress.com accounts and websites. If http://vizleader.com/ is a self-hosted WordPress.org site, then please resubmit your request to the WordPress.org support forums. If you haven’t already done so, you can register here: https://wordpress.org/support/register.php, to use the WordPress.org support forums.

    See also the WordPress.com and WordPress.org support page.

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