A change to the FAQ

  • I have removed all comments and closed all posts to comments bar one.

    This is not to deny that questions and issues exist – far from it. There were comments there which have answers here, comments which are answered in the FAQ, comments which were to do with wordpress.org blogs and comments that had nothing to do with anything relevant. And then there were people saying “Yeah, I want an answer to that yoo!” when the answer was still in these forums and the FAQ. That all added up to a mess which was not proving to be useful. So I removed it all.
    I know that somewhere in there will have been something pertinent and unanswered – I apologise for erasing those – but it’s those which were being lost in the noise.

    There is a post open on the FAQ where questions can be posted and I hope the words of that post are heeded (yeah, I know they won’t be by many….) and I also hope that people start to use the forum more both to search and to answer (hopefully).

    No comments buried means more comments here which means more help is forthcoming. If the FAQ is lacking ask here. And if you had left a comment there which I nuked, sorry!

    …….and I hope you can see my reasons for what I have done.

  • Podz, how about instead of “comments are closed”, put up a link to the forums or to the post where questions can be answered?

    I’ve got to admit that I had to close the comments on the FAQ I have on picture uploading for that very reason. :(

  • I thought about that but then the header navigation bar has the ‘Got a question?’ link which I would hope is enough.

  • The ‘Got a question?’ part of the FAQ will disappear later.
    People are using that when they have not read their blog, not read the forums, not read the FAQ. It wasn’t meant to turn into a support mechanism all of it’s own – which is what will happen if it is left.

    If you have a question about this domain, post here.
    If you have a question about doing things in your blog, post here.

    A question/answer sitting in feedback benefits 1 person.
    That same information here benefits many.

    If your blog is not working properly, send a feedback.

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