A blog is forcing me to follow it and I don't want to!

  • For some reason, a blog called “The Ramblings” keeps showing up in my WordPress reader. It’s not listed under “Blogs I follow”, but in the list of posts that are supposed to come from blogs I follow, posts from “The Ramblings” are always there. if I click on one of the posts, at the top of the page it shows that I am following this blog. I have clicked to “unfollow” it many times. It shows that I am no longer following it, but the posts still continue to show up in my reader. How do I get rid of this blog? Why is it forcing me to follow it?
    Blog url: http://fhelessons.wordpress.com/

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Here are brief instructions for unsubscribing
    1. click the “unsubscribe” link on the emails of the posts at the very bottom of the emails.
    2. go here > http://wordpress.com/#!/read/edit/ locate and click the “x” next to any blog there to unfollow it and no longer receive posts in the Reader or by email.
    3. go to the blog in question and click the unfollow/follow link on your Admin bar.

    If none of those work please post again and we can flag this thread for Staff intervention.

  • Thanks for your response. However, I am still unable to remove this blog’s posts from my reader. As for suggestion #1 – I do not receive e-mails from the blog. #2 – The blog does not show up in my list of “followed” blogs. #3 – I have done this multiple times over the space of several weeks. When I go to the blog and click the unfollow/follow link, it shows that I am no longer following it. But when I go back to my reader, the posts are still there, and if I go to the blog again, the unfollow/follow link shows that I am once again following it. It’s maddening! And I greatly dislike the posts that are in my reader from this blog, so I would really like to be rid of them! Thanks for your help!

  • Hi again,
    Thanks so much for the thorough answers. This thread is flagged for Staff intervention.

  • Do you mean that new posts keep appearing? Once you unfollow a blog, posts from prior to that point will still appear.

  • Woohoo! Somehow it is all fixed! Thanks so much!

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