94% of media space used…

  • so, I delete the videos on here, and move them to youtube (pasting a link so it still shows)

    but! media’s still at 94% /:

    desktop site shows that it’s only pics I’ve uploaded, so what gives?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    You need to upgrade to personal plan which will provide you 3 Gb extra space.

    Or else you can delete all the unwanted images from the media.
    Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

  • Hi there,

    As you stated you have only images in your blog.
    You can also follow the image optimization guide provide by wordpress.com to compress the size of the image thus clearing up more space.

    Optimize Your Images

  • Hi there, Hope you don’t mind me adding something here.

    If you have a free hosted site, you would not be able to upload videos to your site’s media library. You would need to embed them from other sources, like YouTube, Vimeo, etc. Only sites on the Premium and Business upgrade plans can upload videos.

    If you have used up your available storage space, that likely means that you are uploading large images which isn’t necessary unless you are allowing users to download them. If that is not the case, and as @neelgajjar mentioned, before uploading images to your WordPress.com website, resize and optimize them to your theme’s suggested dimensions. https://wordpress.com/theme/rowling This maximizes your storage space as well as minimizing the time it takes for images to load for your site visitors. Search engines like that too.

    In order to significantly reduce your storage now, you’ll need to replace your existing images with resized and optimized ones. That’s a long haul, since you have to do it one-by-one, but it’s possible.

    Another possibility is using a site like Mesh https://en.support.wordpress.com/mesh-embeds/ to embed your images so that they are not uploaded here.

    And of course upgrading to the Personal plan gives you more than an extra 3GB of storage; it also removes all advertising from your site and gives you access to direct support from Staff via Live Chat and email.

    Hope that also helps answer your question.

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