503 service unavailable

  • Hello
    it was working fine and suddenly.. nothing .
    503 service unavailable !!!!
    I did nothing at all just trying to connect to my blog..
    wait and see ? or something to do.
    provider is “online”
    thanks i nadvance

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Contact your web host. We provide support only for free hosted WordPress.COM blogs and you are posting to the wrong support forum. WordPress.com and WordPress.org are completely separate, have different log-ins and run different versions of themes with same names. http://support.wordpress.com/com-vs-org/

    If you don’t have a username account at WordPress.ORG click http://wordpress.org/support/ and register one on the top right hand corner of the page that opens, so you can post to the support forums there and receive advice from WordPress.ORG bloggers.

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