5 bloggers 1 blog?

  • How do I manage 5 writers on 1 blog? We have a team of 5 who are all going to contribute to the content on 1 blog. I’m the blog editor–they will send writing to me, I edit and then manage what we post & when we post it. How to get this set up in the beginning phase?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • It looks like you have only one post so far, which is viewable on your home / landing / front page.

    Did you start the blog yourself? If so, then you are the administrator. As the administrator of the site you can invite other folks to contribute to the site. Here is the support page which will explain the various user roles to can invite people to add articles:

    User roles determine the access level or permissions of a person authorized (invited by an Administrator) to use a WordPress.com site.

    That means the users you invite can have different kinds of access to post on your site. As an administrator, you control how much access they get to use. Below is the choices you have:

    • It’s best if there is only one administrator!


    You can also invite followers and users, who can read your site.

  • So for your 4 other members of the team, you decide how much access they have to alter the content of your site. I’d suggest inviting them as either an editor or as an author.

    (Note that you can invite someone to be a contributor with very low access but who might have an interesting article to add to your site once, or once in a while.)

    Here is how to invite the other members of your team:

    Again, I’ll emphasize that it is best to have only one admin for the site:

    Important: Be mindful of the roles that you give users on your blog. For example, if you add a user as an Editor and then they delete all the posts on your blog, they have not “hacked” your site or done anything they were not permitted to do. For this reason, we recommend only adding users whom you trust to your site.

    from http://en.support.wordpress.com/user-roles/#adding-users-to-your-site

  • You say:

    …they will send writing to me, I edit and then manage what we post & when we post it.

    So look into the author role or contributor role.

  • 1tess, thank you so much for the kind replies. Yes, we are just starting it. I will look into each role. Yes, I am administrator. If they submit as a contributor, will I still be able to edit and control posting times? Love reading blogs, new to this whole behind the scenes wordpress world!

  • Yes, if your guest writer / team writer is a contributor, then you as the administrator of the site will be able to control posting times and what pictures will be uploaded with the articles.

    If you are a very new blog / site writer, then you could benefit from this tutorial:
    And this lexicon is useful for understanding some of the terms used here in these forums and on the support articles:

    Best wishes to you during this holiday season!


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