4th blog not displaying

  • I am building a website using the Appleton theme. I have a very perplexing problem with the blog. I have a blog page and a blog carousel on the index page featuring the latest blog posts. I have set the carousel to display 3 blogs at a time and to display up to 5 blogs on the index page. I have 4 blog articles published at the moment. For some odd reason the 4th article appears published on the blog page but wont appear on the index carousel. Again the carousel is set to display 3 articles at a time, and 5 in total so this forth article should appear somewhere. Again it is published on the blog page-just not the carousel.

    Any help/tips would be much appreciate.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Also wondering if it is possible to have just text information about each of the latest articles instead of the carousel? Am finding the style of the carousel does not suit my web page.

  • Hi!

    For some odd reason the 4th article appears published on the blog page but wont appear on the index carousel. Again the carousel is set to display 3 articles at a time, and 5 in total so this forth article should appear somewhere. Again it is published on the blog page-just not the carousel.

    Thanks for checking in about this; it’s caused by a bug with the Post Carousel block, but I can confirm that this only occurs when the Post Carousel block is added to the index template. If it were to be placed within page content, it would work as expected.

    Also wondering if it is possible to have just text information about each of the latest articles instead of the carousel? Am finding the style of the carousel does not suit my web page.

    I observed that you have a Query Loop block set up just above the post carousel; was this more in line with what you were going for?

  • Thank you for your reply:) Ah that makes sense.

    So with regards to the index template I could just create a new Home page and assign it in settings>reading as the main index/home page and then add the carousel?

    What is best practice generally with the index home page? Is it OK to delete it once another main home page is created?

    The Query loop block is a useful feature that I have been learning about via a great youtube video-allot more customizable and suits many requirements. Can it have auto play added to is functionality? Would this require something like javascript?

  • Hi there,

    So with regards to the index template I could just create a new Home page and assign it in settings>reading as the main index/home page and then add the carousel?

    This can depend on the theme. There are some themes (like Blank Canvas) where the Index template does a lot of heavy lifting and is used on blog feed pages, archive pages, category pages, etc. So editing this template would have far-reaching effects, where you might find your slider showing up on more pages than you intended (and some where you don’t want it to be.)

    Instead we typically recommend you limit your customizations on the index template, especially in cases where you want to create a custom homepage. Instead I’d recommend the solution you are already reaching for, which is to create a separate homepage that you can customize to your heart’s content. We actually have a recent webinar on this that my be relevant to your interests:

    What is best practice generally with the index home page? Is it OK to delete it once another main home page is created?

    As mentioned above, this is a base template that WordPress usually is expecting to find within a theme, so we don’t recommend deleting it. For example if you were to want to add a blog to your site, you could create a page called “Blog” and then specify in WordPress (in the same reading setting) to use that page to display your blog posts.

    What that page will do is typically use the Index template to create the layout and post feed for that page. If that template were deleted instead you would find a blank page. You could of course create a custom blog page template (using the Query Loop block, for example) and set your “Blog” page to use that template instead, but I would still keep the Index template around in the event it powers some other part of the blog.

    The Query loop block is a useful feature that I have been learning about via a great youtube video-allot more customizable and suits many requirements. Can it have auto play added to is functionality? Would this require something like javascript?

    The Query Loop Block is pretty powerful, yes. It does not have auto-play functionality, so that would need to be added by the developers. It’s worth noting though that it’s a relatively new way of constructing blog pages in WordPress, so it’s good to think of it more like Version 1. It will get more powerful and interesting over time, and it’s already become more capable/flexible in the short time since it’s launch.

    If you are looking for auto-play I’d consider the Carousel Block instead, which you seem to be aware of. It’s worth noting that we have another webinar where we explored how to use the Carousel Block, Blog Posts Block, and Query Loop Block, and it may also be worth your time to check out.

    Hope this helps!

  • Hello! Thank you for your detailed explanation:) Have 101 questions- nice to get clear detailed answers. The blogging you tube video so useful also-was confused about the whole blogging process before-Thank you!!

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