2 Tabs Zapped from the Top of my Page. WTF?

  • My blog:


    I go to it this morning and two (2) of my top-of-the-page tabs are gone. Just gone. Deleted. Zapped.

    Thank God they still seem to exist . . . somewhere . . . as I can find them on my Dashboard as “Pages,”
    but they no long exist as Front Page, clickable tabs.

    What has happened? Why has this happened? What needs to be done to restore these to my Home Page

    Thank you,

    Richard Newton

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • When you see those pages on your dashboard, what is their status?
    Have they somehow become drafts, or pending review, or private?

  • @letsjapan – Can you check your site now? We’ve fixed the issue.

  • Lance,

    Thank you VERY much. The voodoo spirits — or your team at WP, one or the other — worked their magic and all’s right with those Tabs now. Again, thanks!

    1tess, it’s all resolved now, but thanks for asking. They were none of the above, i.e., according to my dashboard they were just Pages I’d done, but were sort of sitting in cyber purgatory, I suppose. Anyway, all’s fixed now.

    Regards to all,


  • @letsjapan

    Yes, all is good.

    I was asking because sometimes the most obvious mistakes cause the biggest problems, so searching for more complicated solutions do no good.

    Do you know the story about the novice-computer-guy who was trying to set up his Mac?

    Plug ‘n’ play, right? That’s what Apple sells! Yikes! The thing won’t work. He tries for days: can’t even make it turn on!!! ow ow ow… —much less connect to the internet for help. Bought it online / thus no local Apple-Store help near-by.
    So the novice-guy calls a local computer-expert in the phone book to help set up his system.

    Expert arrives, rubs his beard and his belly, then gets down on his hands and knees, sneezes a bit, shuffles around with the cables. He crawls out from under the desk and tells the novice, ” I can fix it for $250 cash.”

    Voila!!! All’s right. Novice is happy. Expert is happy.

    As Expert is driving away, novice asks, “So! What did you do?”

    “I plugged in the power cord.”

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