2 nicknames at one profile

  • Hey Folks,

    I have a questions for you:

    I have two blogs on my account. Is it possible to post under 2 nicknames? On the one blog ‘nickname A’ and on the other one ‘nickname B’.
    I tried to change the nickname, but it seems to be, there is only one nickname for your whole profile. Is that right?

    Can anyone help me on that one?

    Thanks a lot

  • One account = one nickname.
    Even if you have multiple blogs you still get one nickname.
    Your login details are the one constant across all this domain.

  • You could create a second user, add that to the blog and then post as that. It would mean logging out and it to change the user every time though.

  • This would be REALLY great if you could have one nickname for each blog. I understand the username cannot change, but username and nickname are 2 different fields. I have about 12 wordpress blogs that I would like to move to wordpress.com, but this may be the reason I don’t.

  • I agree… I can understand one username per account, but one nicname? This just encourages users to create >1 account.

  • I agree, it would be great if we could have different nicknames for different. i just tried doing that and was surprised that I couldn’t. what’s the point in having a nickname field in addition to the username if you can’t switch it selectively across your blogs? and now, i just wasted a blog name because i want to post with a different nickname and can’t.

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