ערכת נושא sela

  • שלום וברכה,
    אני משתמש בבלוג וורדפרס עם ערכת הנושא sela. היא מאוד טובה ושימושית עבורי.
    עד לשבוע האחרון עמוד הפוסטים באתר היה עם אותה הפריסה של שאר האתר – סרגלים צדדים בצד שמאל.
    כעת משהו השתנה, וכאשר נכנסים לפוסט הסרגל הצדי זז לצד ימין. בשאר העמודים באתר הוא בצד שמאל.
    זו תקלה?
    יש דרך לסדר את זה?

    בתודה רבה,

    WP.com: Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Hey there @ozbluman, I used Google Translate to understand:

    Until the last week, the posts page on the site had the same layout as the rest of the site – sidebars on the left.
    Now something has changed, and when you enter the post the sidebar moves to the right. On the other pages on the site it is on the left.

    That is odd! I assume it’s the same for older posts, too? And, are you sure this was fine one week ago? I’m not seeing recent changes to your theme, but we’ll see what we can find.

  • Hello supernovia and thank you very much for the quick reply!
    Yes, it happens in all posts. When you enter from the main page to a certain post – the toolbar moves to the right side.
    Could this be a problem in all rtl languages? that float:left is now defined in them?

  • Hi there! 👋🏼

    Could this be a problem in all rtl languages? that float:left is now defined in them?

    We’ve passed the information to the relevant team — we’ll update you as soon as we get more details from them 😊

  • Thank you very much for that! Is there something new?

  • Our developers are currently working on a solution. We will update you here when it is ready.

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