HELP me to hide, delete or regain control for my old uni-portfolio

  • I have created portfolio website almost ten years ago as a school project and this website was registered with my old university email – address that I no longer have access to. Even the university has no access to it because they changed email providers five years ago. I have tried to contact them also to regain access just to delete the website. This scetchy portfolio still pops up every time someone googles me so I would love to control it or delete it or make it disappear?

    I made this new account just to gain access to a forum, I’ve been pained by the bad portfolio site for years now and used hours trying to use your contact form without ID – the contact system is horrible. I cannot even here write to the support about a correct url. I would truly appreciate some help. Thank you.

    Blogini: (visible only to moderators and staff).

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