Work Filter
  1. “Some days we will be tempted to tell the world about our mothering, and others will leave us wanting to hide behind an obnoxiously large diaper bag. I would argue that the sweet spot of vulnerability is somewhere in between.”

  2. “I want robots to do my bidding as much as the next guy, but our history with labor-saving robots has been sketchy at best. We’ve been here before and there are lots of predictably bad outcomes from automation.”

  3. Why I Fear Being at Home

    Australian blogger Helen Hayward reflects on the difficulty of balancing domestic duties — those never-ending to-do lists — with our longing for creating a peaceful, private space to cultivate our inner selves.

  4. “I am self employed with horrible pay. But I did not design this work to make money from the outside. That would be another kind of job. I designed my career to create a self sufficient life…to feed people all summer long and put some away for the winter.”

    Personal Musings
  5. “My perception is that much (but not all!) of Silicon Valley is riddled with these sorts of people. Smartest in their class, impressive degrees, ability to ace whiteboard interview problems, but very little ability or desire to relate to teammates or even customers as human beings.”

  6. My Year in Startup Hell

    At Fortune, Dan Lyons shares an excerpt from his upcoming book on working as a middle-aged man at HubSpot, a youthful startup he calls “a cross between a kindergarten and a frat house.”

    At Fortune, Dan Lyons shares an excerpt from his upcoming book on working as a middle-aged man at HubSpot, a youthful startup he calls "a cross between a kindergarten and a frat house."
  7. Commercial Illustrator Mark Armstrong on Blogging and the Business of Illustration

    Commercial illustrator Mark Armstrong chats with us about the business of illustration and using a blog as a professional space.

    Illustration by Mark Armstrong for Coca-Cola Journey, the company’s online media hub.
  8. “For transgender and gender nonconforming people like myself, the question of what to wear to work becomes an exhausting question of identity and of survival.” Jacob Tobia at Neutrois Nonsense, on being trans and “professional.”

  9. Writers on Freelancing: Roundtables, Tips, and More

    A roundup of resources on the realities of freelance writing.

  10. Scream It Until Their Ears Bleed: Pay The F*cking Writers

    “As I am wont to say, there’s nothing wrong with exposure for writers. It can be useful, provided it is on your terms. But also realize that hikers die from exposure, and writers can die from it, too.” Chuck Wendig has choice words for the Huffington Post.

    "As I am wont to say, there’s nothing wrong with exposure for writers. It can be useful, provided it is on your terms. But also realize that hikers die from exposure, and writers can die from it, too." Chuck Wendig has choice words for the Huffington Post.
  11. Photo Essay: My Life As A Food Stylist

    At Life&Thyme, a journal of culinary storytelling, leading food stylist Lisa Homa and photographer Shirley Cai take us behind the scenes of glossy food photoshoots.

    At Life&Thyme, a journal of culinary storytelling, leading food stylist Lisa Homa and photographer Shirley Cai take us behind the scenes of glossy food photoshoots.
  12. The Arts Student’s Chinese New Year Cheat Sheet

    Justin, an arts student in Singapore, imagines a conversation with an uncle at a Chinese New Year family gathering. “Enjoying what you do is the one thing you should fight for in this life. Start believing that, then perhaps they can begin to understand why you chose to pursue the arts.”

    Justin, an arts student in Singapore, imagines a conversation with an uncle at a Chinese New Year family gathering. "Enjoying what you do is the one thing you should fight for in this life. Start believing that, then perhaps they can begin to understand why you chose to pursue the arts."
  13. Why I’m Leaving Academia

    “When I picture myself in a comfortable, tenure-track job, I feel no excitement or joy or anticipation or comfort. I don’t daydream about what a nice life that would be.” Susan Zakaib, a PhD candidate in history, explains why she’s done with academia.

    "When I picture myself in a comfortable, tenure-track job, I feel no excitement or joy or anticipation or comfort. I don’t daydream about what a nice life that would be." Susan Zakaib, a PhD candidate in history, explains why she's done with academia.
  14. On Asking Favors From Writers

    “Pitches and favors are different animals and should be approached differently.” Concrete tips from writer Alana Massey on asking favors from writers and editors.

    "Pitches and favors are different animals and should be approached differently." Concrete tips from writer Alana Massey on asking favors from writers and editors.
  15. Corporate Ageism Is Collective Depression

    “It’s time to speak bluntly about the age prejudice, especially in software. It’s stupid.” Michael O. Church writes an incisive critique of ageism — and its effects on the old and young — in the tech industry (and beyond).

    "It’s time to speak bluntly about the age prejudice, especially in software. It’s stupid." Michael O. Church writes an incisive critique of ageism -- and its effects on the old and young -- in the tech industry (and beyond).