Illustration Filter
  1. LOST, 10 years later

    The finale of LOST aired on May 23, 2010. Artist Gerry Albert, who was (and still is) a big fan, shares an illustration of the show’s ensemble cast.

  2. Doodlewash: Creating an Online Watercolor Community

    How Charlie O’Shields built his own watercolor community on

  3. Pigeon Presents: Illustrator Mo Willems

    Pigeon Presents is the website of Mo Willems, a best-selling and award-winning author and illustrator. He has gained recognition recently for his “Lunch Doodles” sessions on YouTube, where he (virtually) invites kids — who are currently stuck at home — into his studio to draw with him.

  4. Commuting in Corona Times

    Artist Kera Till draws a public transportation map for these strange, uncertain times.

  5. Which Comics Should You Read in 2020? Here Are Some Ideas.

    Comics and graphic-novels fans, rejoice! At The Drunken Odyssey, Drew Barth recommends some of the most anticipated titles of 2020 — the ones that will set the tone for an entire decade of visual storytelling.

  6. Cut From the Same Cloth

    “For all I say I’m envious of my daughter’s freedoms, perhaps the older woman has more leeway, more agency.” Artist Myfanwy Tristram was irritated by her teenage daughter’s extreme fashions — until she took an illustrated journey into their origins.

  7. Home Is a Mug of Coffee

    “Just like the countless options on my office’s hot drinks machine, I fell in love with a fresh sense of possibility — that there was more than one way to live my life.” In this illustrated longread, Candace Rose Rardon reflects on coffee, life, and finding herself, no matter where she is in the world.

  8. Unleashed in Paris

    As a semi-professional dog walker in Paris, artist and expat Kate Gavino has found a comfortable way to learn French.

  9. Simon’s Cat

    Simon’s Cat is the adorable, mischievous cat of British animator and illustrator Simon Tofield. On his official website, you’ll find his blog, films, and information about projects and merchandise, like books, games, and comic strips.

  10. Riding Up Front

    Riding Up Front shares everyday stories from drivers and passengers of Uber, Lyft, and taxi rides to raise awareness of immigrant rights in the U.S. Stories are illustrated by artists all over the world.

  11. Doodlewash

    Charlie O’Shields founded his blog, Doodlewash, in 2015. It has since grown into a global community of passionate watercolor artists and provides resources and inspiration, including World Watercolor Month, a 31-day watercolor challenge held each July.

  12. Austin Kleon

    Austin Kleon is a writer who draws. He’s the bestselling author of Steal Like An Artist and other illustrated books about creativity in the digital age.

  13. Kruttika Susarla

    Kruttika Susarla is an illustrator, comic maker, and graphic designer based in New Delhi. She explores themes of gender, sexuality, and observations on the status quo. Her clean, minimal online portfolio showcases her comics and editorial work.

  14. There Is So Much Power in Giving Back to People

    “I want people to smile. I know that’s simple, but there is so much power in doing something uplifting.” International street artist Kelsey Montague creates large-scale murals that are meant to be interacted with and shared.

  15. Animals