Ebook: Photography 101

The fundamentals of photography and photoblogging

Do you want to learn the nuts and bolts of using a camera? Are you interested in honing your visual eye to help improve the way you take photographs and display images on your blog? In this guide that compiles our popular Photography 101 series, some of our favorite WordPress.com photographers introduce the basics of photography — from composition to focus to light — and their own tips and techniques for taking better images. Download and get clickin’.

Note that because the book features dozens of stunning photos taken by our experts, the file sizes are large and downloading them might take a few minutes.

File sizes

* PDF: 92MB
* .mobi: 65MB
* .epub: 31MB


    1. Someone commented the same thing — we included a message about the large file sizes on the post and download page, but we’ll note this for next time. Thanks for your feedback, and sorry for the inconvenience.
