Ebook: 365 Writing Prompts

A bit of writing inspiration for every day of the year

Do you need a gentle nudge to help make writing a habit? Looking for an idea on how to get started or a way to warm-up to your writing projects? We’ve got you covered. Download 365 Days of Writing Prompts and you’ve got an entire year of writing inspiration at your fingertips.

If you’re working so hard on building a writing habit, why not treat yourself to a custom domain and more design options? Find a WordPress.com plan that’s right for you.

365 Invitations à Écrire

.pdf | .mobi | .epub

365 Apuntes Diarios Para Escribir

.pdf | .mobi | .epub

365 Hari Tuntunan Menulis

.pdf | .mobi | .epub

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  1. thankyou so much. i think this is a great idea. personally, i don’t post daily but i will be able to pick and choose.


  2. Just stumbled on this today. Love it!! I don’t mind that it’s the end of May, I am jumping in from today 🙂
    Thank you for sharing this!


  3. Thank you. I’ll share a game I made up that helped me move through writer’s block, no matter what style I was writing in, as a “sharing” in return for your free offering. In the newspaper trade you are likely familiar with the questions: who, what, where, when, and how. Add why to those five and you have the elements which will help you to create a short story, or a thematic poem, or any short version of a writing assignment that you care to develop.

    Simply make a list in columns and place as many character names, lesser nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, and create “when” with special care. Place everything into the appropriate columns, then you may choose 4 from each column. That gives you 20 new beginnings for your first sentence. By the time you’ve finished this short exercise (and we are not talking about great writing here), you should be ready to go back to your original project. Be sure to make your list fun and entertaining for you. This is not a job assignment, after all.

    This worked for me every time. I thought of creating a real game of my idea and practices, but I have enjoyed sharing it free, with other writers on various web sights. I would not mind be credited with it, since I did make it up in the late 1970s, ha!



  4. will you fall in love with each and every person who looks and acts exactly that way, too.

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  5. Serves as an inspiration. I started in the end of year 2013 and yet only 2 of my posts are published; waiting for followers. Believe that my daily writing habit will increase my followers and inspire me to write.
