First Friday

The pool’s closed for maintenance this week — see you next Friday!

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To find, copy, and paste your link:
Head to your blog’s home page — not your dashboard, your blog itself. Click on the title of your post to open the individual post.

Highlight and copy the URL you see in your browser’s address bar, and paste the entire URL into a comment here.

Welcome to First Friday, a weekly open thread where any new blogger can share a link to his or her very first post with the larger community. To share your first post with us, copy and paste the link right into a comment here. If you’re not new, you can still be a part of First Fridays: visit a link or two, and leave the blogger a like or comment.

Please don’t use this as a space to share your first post…. that you published three years ago; ditto for simply sharing your latest post. Posts should have been published within the last month, and should be your first post. We’ll remove other posts to keep this space focused for new bloggers.

We ask that you help us keep this space focused by following a few additional guidelines:

  • We encourage anyone who shares a link to visit a few other bloggers. New readers for all!
  • When commenting, the third time is not the charm: don’t share the same link repeatedly, or in multiple First Friday threads. We’ll remove repeat posts.
  • Link directly to your new post, rather than to your blog generally — it makes it that much easier for folks to like the post or leave you comments.
  • Avoid repeated “Follow for a follow!” comments. (Tip: if you’re trying to build a readership, it’s much more effective to visit and comment on individual bloggers.)
  • To keep from losing your place while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on links to open them in a new tab or window.
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    1. Your blog looks really good! I would consider putting an “about” page so any new visitors can see what your blog is about 🙂


    1. One thing I noticed — you’re using a lot of tags and categories on some of your posts. The Reader actually filters out posts that use more than 15 tags and categories (combined) as an anti-spam measure, so using this many tags actually makes it harder for folks to find your posts, which is sad! If you cut your tags down to the most relevant, you’ll actually draw more readers.

      Liked by 1 person


    Liked by 10 people

  2. Heya newbies!!!
    Welcome to the blogging world. I know it might seem overwhelming at first, but believe me when I say that the people here are lovely and very appreciative and supportive.
    Happy blogging! 🙂

    Liked by 11 people

    1. For me, it was pretty hard to read because of the background color and huge chunk of text. Try breaking up the text into several smaller paragraphs, and perhaps changing the background color.

      Liked by 3 people

    1. Welcome 🙂

      Looks like you haven’t given your site a title yet! If you’d like to add one (we recommend it), you can do that by going to My Site > Customize > Site Identity.


    1. Your blog looks really good! You’ve done so much already!
      I noticed on your posts you don’t have a “like” or “comment” button/section which would be useful to add. I personally found you menu a little confusing as when i was looking around your blog I wasn’t sure if the titles were post titles etc. whereas on my personal blog i prefer simple headings so worldwide readers can navigate through my blog, but that’s completely your choice! Just my personal suggestions, hope you don’t mind 🙂 otherwise everything looks perfect!


    1. Cool! I used to be a marine sciences student a few years back. Your site sure brings back a lot of memories. Definitely following! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Your photos are stunning – I’m keen for more so have followed you! I couldn’t read your text though, the font size is way too small.


  3. Hello everyone, I hope your Friday is going really great! I have been blogging for a little over a week now and currently have two blogs. I want to highlight the one I didn’t talk about last Friday called Rookies TV Guide, where I would be providing my reviews on movies and TV shows.

    Here is the link below:

    I just began this blog but suggestions are highly welcome and If you are interested, then feel free to follow my blog 🙂

    Also if you haven’t checked out my other blog dedicated to my dating experiences and advice, be sure to check it out (


    Liked by 11 people