Community Pool

Where WordPress bloggers support each other with feedback and advice.

Note: Starting this week, each Community Pool post will be open for two days. Comments will then be closed until we publish the next Community Pool. Enjoy the swim!

Have you just published a new post and are dying for some feedback? Are you redesigning your blog and could use some layout or design advice from your more seasoned peers?

The Community Pool is for peer feedback and advice. Looking for more specific information? Check out some of these resources:

Tap into the wisdom of The Daily Post blogging community and leave your question here in the comments. Others can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Looking for more information about custom domains, advanced design options, and other enhancements for your blog? Find the plan that’s right for you.

Are you a new blogger looking to share your very first post? We have a special forum for bloggers just like you in our weekly First Friday posts.

To help us make the Community Pool a productive space for discussion, here are some tips and guidelines you might find useful:

  • While you’re not required to, we encourage everyone who requests feedback to also reply to at least one or two other bloggers who need some help. Spread the love!
  • The Community Pool comments section can get quite big — and starting duplicate threads doesn’t help. Thanks for not posting the same question more than once, as well as for not starting numerous threads in a single Pool.
  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
  • We discourage leaving links without a more substantive message or question. These are often overlooked by other bloggers, and we frequently remove them to make the comment reading experience smoother. Also note that including multiple links in your comment might automatically put it in the moderation queue, which will delay its publication.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. The idea is to have fun — it’s a pool, after all!
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.

Looking for free, self-guided courses to help you get started with your blog (or revive a dormant one)? Check out our current offerings at Blogging U.

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    1. Hi there! I think you are off to a good start. I notice that the social media links are the default ones that lead to a homepage, rather than a specific My5er account page. Perhaps it’d be best to remove them for the time being until you have those accounts set up. Lastly, I think your homepage would benefit from some great photos. Good luck!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks Julie, I took you advice and removed the social media links. Will work on some more photos. Thanks for your feedback!
        Also really like your home page and how you crisscrossed photo and text!

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi there! Thanks for sharing! Right off the bat, I felt a tad confused when I landed on your homepage because the three columns on your main page seem a bit out of place. I recommend changing the home page/theme such that it emphasizes your blog posts and doesnt have the empty space it currently does. You may also wish to consider a different font for your headings, but that’s just my personal preference! I like non-cursive headings that are easy to skim 🙂 Good luck!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Julie, I love the layout and the colours. Very mature and organised. Some feedback:
      1. The title could be better than just the initials, unless that is a personal preference, but the subtitle/description is on-point!
      2. Instead of an excerpt with the title of each post, you could try out a slug to offer a gist to your readers.
      All the best!

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Hello Everyone! I’ve been getting more into writing since I graduated college – which has been fun because I haven’t been utilizing my english degree at my new job.

    Please let me know what you think of my latest:

    Can you relate? How does it make you feel? Can’t wait to hear back! Your thoughts, and time are truly appreciated! I will read yours, too, if you give a comment/like!!


    Liked by 5 people

    1. I am new to blogging, also. I clicked on the link, and the look of your blog is great. It is obviously a place for creative writing. The images and other features don’t distract from the writing, which would seem to need to take center stage on your blog.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Together Tuesday is short and sweet (1 min read). Hopefully, this week’s tip will help make your marriage LONG and sweet!
    Topic? Praise your spouse!

    We humans tend to remember negative words much more than positive ones so, if you don’t praise your spouse at least twice as much as you criticize, you may find yourself with an unhappy companion.

    Happy marriage!

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Together Tuesday is short and sweet (1 min read). Hopefully, this week’s tip will help make your marriage LOOONG and sweet!
    Topic? Praise your spouse!

    We humans tend to remember negative words much more than positive ones so, if you don’t praise your spouse at least twice as much as you criticize, you may find yourself with an unhappy companion.

    Happy marriage!

    Liked by 5 people

  4. So I posted after one post a few weeks ago. I got some great advice, and shortened my posts and streamlined my blog. Now I’m on post 5, and just want to make sure I’m headed in the right direction. Any advice on style, on what is or isn’t appealing, what newbie mistakes I’m still engaging in would be appreciated.

    Liked by 5 people

  5. Hi everyone, I am a first time blogger. After years of contemplating, I finally got the courage to put my writing out there for people to read. So please visit and give me feedback. I have done my 6th Post as of yesterday Yay !!
    Look forward to reading your blogs 😊

    Liked by 5 people

  6. I would love some feedback on my blog if anyone has some free time. I’m currently using the free Cubic theme. And while I really enjoy it, I’m not sure it works for my blog. It showcases the pictures I include but is it easy for people to realize that when you click the pictures, it brings you to a post with words? Or do you just expect a description of the picture or more pictures?

    Thanks in advance!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. It looks nice. Once persons hover over it they’re gonna want to click it to see more. In your footer since you don’t really have space for a side bar, you could put a follow button. I hope my feedback helps

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Hi Everyone
    I recently started a new page, all about answering and writing things from my followers.
    Its basically a page where people can ask either questions about me, or ask for advice or ask anything really and I will write a blog on it. I am happy to research any topic to give some kind of answer.

    would love for you to check it out and even leave a question or comment.

    Anything You Want To Know

    any advice would be great as well.

    Thanks 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

  8. Hey everyone, hope you’re week is off to a great start. Sharing my latest post with you! I recently reviewed the latest release from The Shorelines, an up and coming psychedelic band from Santa Barbara. Highly recommend if you’re into mellow, surf-rock vibes. Please feel free to comment, share and give feedback. Thanks!

    The Shorelines – Sides of Us

    Liked by 5 people

  9. Hey everyone! I’m new to blogging and I have 4 posts so far yay 🙂 I recently posted a poem on my blog and it would mean a lot to me if you would read it, provide some feedback, share it and comment on it. I really hope you like it!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. All I can say is WOW! The fact that I read your ENTIRE story and it left me still wanting more is great, considering my short attention span lol. In all seriousness, I really enjoyed reading your story. Everything flowed very well and the ending provided answers but still left a bit of mystery. Keep up the good work! I look forward to reading more from you.

      Also, stop by my page of you get a chance. I’d love your feedback!

      Liked by 3 people

  10. It’s so honest. But I would like to suggest you to carefully choose the words on the link to your post. Since you just have a date it is quite discouraging to even press on the link. Try to keep it short but it should summarize what it is about so that people find it catchy.

    Liked by 2 people