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      1. I think I always thought I had a fear of Mod Podge, but it was really a fear of decoupage–which sounds scarier because it’s French! This is a great post, and just as I was getting toward the end, I thought, but what kind of project could I (uncrafty) do? You answered me with those super-cute doily bowls. I remember those from a previous post. I could do those. Now, to keep an eye out for nice doilies at antique stores, etc. If I weren’t already following, I’d be following! Thanks!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I think they work together, but maybe introduce the second part with your 4 recommendations somehow. It did seem pretty abrupt after your blog post. Even just a header, or a sentence like “this week’s recommendations…”

      Liked by 2 people

    1. What a wonderful idea for your month’s reading–and a great site. I’m following! I also enjoyed your review of Zora Neale Hurston’s autobiography. I read that in college, but it’s been too long. Time for a review!

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Hi all. I’m a culinary student, and really want to write about food as a career. Would love if just a few people could give me some feedback. Thanks!

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Start writing about your experiences so far with food. Not just as a story but particular dishes / places / chefs and so on. You don’t have to be eating in fancy places. Write about the food in your local deli. Write about the food you cook. Make yourself write one post every week as a minimum. As you gain more readers, you’ll begin to get a better perspective of how to steer the blog.

      Hope that helps!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Honest feedback here–I really enjoyed your story about your fave local food spot. (I had actually heard of “rippers” before, so I wasn’t entirely clueless!) As someone, me, who has never gone to culinary arts school, some insider knowledge would be cool. Like, I don’t know, best oil for frying at home, for instance. Expert info would be more attractive to me than a somewhat long and drawn-out story. Next time, I’d try to cut what isn’t necessary in your story–but give us home cooks a take-away that we can apply. Just ideas. Best of luck! Looking forward to seeing what you post next!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Heather! I just had a look – I love your format. I am a terrible cook and have some cognitive issues that make it tough to follow recipes if they are too chopped up (no pun intended haha). I love that you started with the nutritional breakdown too! Great idea. Your style is natural and conversational which feels nice. I didn’t notice anything to edit (though I am not the best resource for that LOL). I’m gonna’ follow you!!! If you have a moment to visit my blog maybe you could just picj and article of interest and offer some feedback? I love to write but am very chaotic and inexperienced which reflects in my page hahaha….live and LEARN 🙂 Have a great day. Kate Mooney (

      Liked by 2 people

    1. I just read it. I think it is wonderful that you are willing to share what is raw for you. SO important. You were honest without making it sound like a horror story – also important. Too many women suffer alone because it feels unacceptable to be anything but ecstatic about becoming a mother. LOVE that you are sharing and happy with your decision to seek help. Best wishes!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh thank you so much. I held back on what it was like in the hospital because I really didnt want to make it about that because unfortunately my experience wasnt go great at times. I just felt like it was something that I should write about because I experienced it, deal with it and now my life is good so im glad I did. Thank you again xx♡


    2. Great post. And thanks for sharing 🙂
      Just a little tip though, if you make your paragraphs smaller it’ll be easier on the eye. It’s quite hard to read large paragraphs on screen. Hope this helps. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi, I’m looking for some feedback on my website, Any advice is appreciated and I can also offer my own advice too. Thank you!

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Hi,
    I posted 3 articles this week – yesterday I continued with my Hampton Court series.
    Then with all the bad weather in the UK I posted a short article on the River Mersey freezing in 1881.

    I also surpassed 300 followers this week and posted an article on receiving the Versatile Blogger award!
    A busy week! I can’t wait to read what you have all been up to! 🙂

    Liked by 7 people

  4. Hello everyone, check out my latest post: Giving Things Back

    Giving Things Back

    In this post, I wrote about my past experience and how great it can be to return other people’s belongings to them if you help them find it.

    You can follow my blog to find out about my profound experiences, although I am still very young.

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Morning all!

    Here is my most recent NZ post.

    I am still writing up posts about my time in (gorgeous) NewZeland, while trying to catch up with posts about life in Canada. Do you find it strange when a blogger jumps from one topic to the next? I’m not sure if I should just concentrate on NZ posts until they are all finished OR if I should intersperse them with posts about Canada.

    Liked by 5 people

      1. Thanks for the feedback!

        Yeah, I only a few posts per week, so I’ll have one about Canada, and one about NZ. I was just worried it might get a bit confusing.

        I have quite a few posts I want to write about Japan too, but I might save them until I finish all my kiwi posts! Otherwise I guess I’ll be all over the world at once!


      2. lol nah. I wasn’t blogging when I lived in Japan, and NZ was a one-off holiday. It was just so epic that I have a lot to write about!

        I just have a lot to catch up on, so my blog is more epic than real life!!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Isn’t that the best part about travelling,though? Coming home to the realisation that you are so much richer as a person because of all the amazing experiences you’ve lived..Reliving travel tales always brings me such immense joy 💜

        Liked by 2 people

    Hey guys please check out my blog. I would love to have some feedback about how to improve and what not.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Hello again, gang; Not very much to post about in my blog this week, but I would do like to thank each and every one of you who have attended this past week’s Pool Parade 2018:”A Day at Candy Beach”; If you have missed any of my special posts, you can catch up starting at the very beginning right here: Otherwise, I have just published two brand-new posts today, so please feel ever-so-very free to check them out, as well as past posts, at Hope you have a blessed week, with 💘-JW

    Liked by 5 people

  8. Hi
    I recently attempted a letter to a deceased mother . I would love feedback on how I could have done better on the writeup. Comments on the over all look and feel of the blog would be great,too.

    Hate you, Mom.

    thank you for any suggestions sent my way 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  9. Hey everyone!!
    I just posted a short poem on “love”.
    You can find the link below👇👇


    Please read through and share your views if keen😊.

    I would be more than happy to visit your blogs too!


    Liked by 5 people